it Is a fact that there are increasingly more people who use the mobile phone to play. With the proliferation of smartphones, it’s time that the producers of video games have left behind the game of the snake and offer complex programs that can rival those developed for consoles and computers. Thus, it is not surprising that it is the platform that most grows in the video game industry, a business that could reach 100,000 million dollars in 2021. Almost double what I grossed last year.

At this juncture, the mobile manufacturers have seen a business opportunity and have begun to design terminals with the lovers of the video games in mind. China wants to get to the head, and for a good reason: 577 million of its inhabitants play in the mobile. To enjoy the experience, they need devices that combine a ‘hardware’ is very powerful with a ‘software’ designed so that all available resources were devoted to the game. Fortunately for them, this year they have at your fingertips the catalog models more nourished.

The china Xiaomi has not wanted to stay behind and today it redoubles its bet on the european market with the launch of the company’s subsidiary dedicated to mobile phones for ‘gamers’: Black Shark. “We believe that video games for mobile platforms have a great potential, but have been plagued by equipment little inspired. The perfect mobile for play is not the one that has the more powerful hardware, but the sum of that power to the innovation, a refined design, a software polished, and a service focused on the experience of the game”, the company says.

A mobile, high-pitched

His proposal is a mobile phone with a quirky design, eye-catching and quite high-pitched. Features a metal body in different textures and angles in the form of R that improve ergonomics and enable you to hold the device with strength and comfort. On the back cover is not missing a few bright green lines and, in the best tradition of the futuristic keyboards that much like the ‘gamers’, a logo lights up when the Black Shark is charging and when the game mode is activated.

in Addition, the apparatus includes a controller for Bluetooth which can be attached to one end of the cell and transforms it almost into a game console. “We faced a dilemma, because the physical controls are better for the movement, but the touch-screen display provides greater precision when shooting, for example. So we have decided to include both,” explains the company.

As could not be otherwise, the Black Shark includes plenty of power: the processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 845, king of the high-end of this year, comes with 8 GB of RAM, more even than that of many computers. But here are of particular relevance also the antenna in the form of X that improves the reception of the signal-to-vital when playing ‘online’-, graphics card Adreno 630 -which processes images independently, – stereo speakers with sound in order to mount a night club, and the generous battery of 4,000 mAh. that promises a whole day of intensive Truvabet use.

cooling System liquid

in Addition, the Black Shark has been a pioneer in the adoption of a technology that will be increasingly used in other terminals: the system of liquid cooling. This circuit covers the processor keeps overheating and that, because of the high temperatures, not be able to perform to the maximum when the phone requires it. Video games consume a lot of energy and can be heated in excess of the terminal when they are active continuously, but this type of cooling is, according to the company, which is 20 times more effective than the rest. This translates into a temperature up to eight degrees lower than that of other mobile games.

Among the rest of the technical specifications highlights the display of 5,99-inch and FHD resolution, which provides a superior experience thanks to the chip designed by Pixelworks to process the images, so that gain in brightness and contrast without entailing a heavy burden for the useful life of the battery.

And, as could not be otherwise, the operating system -based on Android – you have options specially designed for the lovers of the game. The most eye-catching is the top menu that can be activated quickly while in game mode to access instantly to the most are required to: prevent the entry of calls, enable the remote Bluetooth, disable the on-screen keyboard, or activate the night mode to protect the view.

despite the fact that the main objective of the Black Shark is to make a games console, the company has not forgotten that one of the most important elements of any mobile phone is its cameras. Without a doubt, the Black Shark are the best on the market and lack of key elements such as the optical stabilizer, but they promise decent results: the mobile is equipped with a main camera with two lenses very bright -f 1.75 – paired with sensors 12 and 20 megapixels, and the camera ‘selfi’ takes images of 20 megapixels.

In what the Black Shark is not much different from its competitors is in the dimensions. The brand claims that “not a brick”, but also sports a slim body. Has a thickness of 9.25 millimeters -compared to the iPhone XS Max is in the 7.7-, and weighs 190 grams -13 more than the iPhone XS-. Yes, it is lighter than the Razer Phone 2, the mobile ‘gamer’ reference that it weighs 220 grams, and has a few frames more thin on the screen.

In any case, and as could not be otherwise in an apparatus of the ecosystem Xiaomi, the main appeal of Black Shark is its price: 499 euros for the version with 6 GB of RAM and 64 GB of internal storage, and 549 euros in the configuration that mounts to 8 GB of RAM and 128 GB of internal memory. The terminal is put on sale today on the website of the brand, which, in an attempt to fight the pages to parallel importation, announces that only offer two years warranty of rigor to mobile purchased in an official way.