The distraction is among the major causes of road accidents with tips impressive that you can reach when you are using the smartphone with your hands instead of the devices provided for by the Code of the road.

Authoritative studies have already shown that when a driver is engaged in a telephone conversation, albeit in ways provided for by law, the level of attention is reduced to the detriment of road safety, but to talk about holding with your hand the mobile phone or, worse still, to send messages while driving is pure madness.

Despite this, the phenomenon is constantly increasing, so much so that they are in approval and a new, much stricter rules that provide for the withdrawal of the licence and the tightening of the financial sanctions.
On the other hand to understand how the malpractice has spread to just look around and discover the multitude of motorists who drive while handling a mobile phone.

Thus, to raise the awareness of the legislator and the public opinion on the issue of road safety in the era in which it seems impossible to live without being attached to a smartphone (in 2020 it is estimated it will be sold 1.57 billion of units), the blog on road safety “License Suspended” has carried out a study on the phenomenon in order to “emphasize the need for a regulatory adaptation, and to arouse indignation and attention, such as to prevent behaviour which constitutes mortal danger to others”.

were then made of the 3,700 surveys in Italy have taken as a reference only drivers individual on the private car (excluding car, public, van, car commercial and of the forces of order), in the vicinity of major junctions to traffic lights, observing the behavior of motorists at the moment of the stop.

Overall, the picture that emerged showed that just over half of the motorists involved in the research (55,2%) used a smartphone to guide in a way that does not conform to the Code of the road, with a higher percentage of women (58,5%).

Sicily and Sardinia were the regions last in the ranking of positive behaviour where three-quarters of the sample (76,3%) using the phone in a way not permitted, followed by Puglia, Basilicata, and Calabria in particular, the percentage of women incorrect (82,4%), which earned him the unenviable title of the most indisciplinate of Italy.

according to the study, the Campania region occupies the third last position of the ranking, and even here the national average of users rugged smartphone the guide is exceeded abundantly (72%) with little difference between men and women (71,3% vs 73,5%).

The Lazio instead, with 56.7%, was the region more in line with the trend in the national in terms of the total percentage of users, irregular, maintaining the same trend also in the Capital, and a negative percentage is greater for women than for men (67,3% vs 51,3%).

A similar trend to that of lazio is also found for the Abruzzo, Marche and Molise, which lie just below the Italian average for percentage of users with incorrect (54%) with men more balanced (50%) compared to women (61,1%).
In Tuscany and Umbria, the negative percentage is equal to 54% with the men drivers are unruly to the extent of 51.6% and women to 57,9%.

the result of The Lombardy (excluding Milan), with 52%, sees narrowing the gap between the drivers from improper, and virtuous, but is penalized by the given female with 80% of illegal places the category of women in the last places of the ranking.

The research highlights a situation of balance in Emilia Romagna (50%) and, once again, the women indisciplinate (72,7%) tear to pieces the men incorrect (43,6%) that they are in the minority compared to virtuous (56,4).

better Yet, make Valle d’aosta, Piemonte and Liguria regions, the three regions in which finally the drivers who use the smartphone in the correct way are in the majority compared to the undisciplined, both among women, both among men and women.

Trentino, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, obtained the second place between users that are more virtuous, with the percentage even more other of the previous three regions in terms of the correct use of the smartphone.

To report that the study sought to extrapolate the data of Milan because the city, in absolute terms, it ranks on the podium of the correctness, with 60.7% of the citizens faithful to the rules of the highway Code on the use of the mobile phone in the car.

Finally, according to the analysts of “License Suspended”, the reason that he sees prevailing in the misuse of the smartphone that the regions of the South must be sought also in the car park the most ancient in which the vehicles are not accessories, technology (Bluetooth, hands-free, infotainment systems…) that allow for the integration of mobile phones and therefore its use in accordance with the rules of the road.

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