presentations of photo cameras I am regularly in the nettles and make myself at professional photographers and photo journalists unpopular. Namely, when I ask the manufacturer, why wouldn’t you because to install memory, similar to mobile phones.

The Outcry of professionals in the room is programmed. Need can memory cards to switch. The manufacturers say: “We look at what our customers want, and adjust ourselves accordingly.” Or something similar to Konziliantes.

But to me, memory cards are a horror. The thin plastic cards with the shaky write protection bars cost a lot and seem to be cheaper than the floppy disks of yore. Unfortunately, a fact. But there is hope: First the manufacturer (Leica, Zeiss) sometimes offer cameras with a built-in memory and additional card Slot. A good compromise. But in the case of the large manufacturers still doing nothing in the direction.

Particularly robust and high quality

Noisy, I was about as Sony with the Tough series is especially robust, and supposedly higher-quality SD-card introduced. It is not cheap. 32 GB cost a little more than 100 francs. More memory is even more expensive. For the same money you can get with less pace and more Lotter plastic is significantly more storage space.

it Grabs the Tough card, we are amazed. The card feels heavier, edgier, meta-and worlds high-quality as anything I’ve put in the last 20 years in digital cameras.

Sony advertises all sorts of superlatives for the cards. They could let you fall (into the water), bend, or even break, you could hardly, and otherwise they are equal to all sorts of adversity.

snow, fall and bath

Actually, the card survived a fall, a water bath and a few minutes in the snow is harmless. As far as the without the use of laboratory tests to assess.

of Course, the card is addressed but not to material pedants like me, but professional photographers can’t afford to lose images because the SD card crapped out.

to prevent this, swear professionals on cameras with two memory card slots. So you can save each photo twice. However, not all cameras have this. For example, in the case of Canon and Nikon’s latest mirror-format cameras-free Full-it only has one slot. Sony installed, however, in its latest full-frame cameras, after years of criticism (not by me) two bays.

the Timing of Sony’s sent. Just one who has in his camera, only space for a memory card, is likely to find a very stable and safe memory card interesting and a bit deeper into the wallet to grab.

As a hobby photographer can’t damage the additional security of course. But honestly, to me, is gone in 20 years, never had a memory card break. Cameras Yes. Memory cards never.

conclusion: Who want to have a memory card that still works, even if the camera with water is fully gone, a fall has not survived, or else as a total loss it has suffered, should take a look at the Tough card. Against loss of even the most stable card not protects but. Therefore, always Back-ups think! (

Created: 10.01.2019, 14:59 PM