The text processing is one of the Primordial applications of the PC. For many of the long-time users of such a program was the reason, ever such a machine to purchase. And the Personal Computer with Word, Wordstar, Wordperfect, or Macwrite large.

Nevertheless – or just therefore – the classic text processing in today’s world, out of place: she has developed into a software monster. It is for a lot of tasks to complex, and the huge scope of the function is the concentrated work more of a hindrance.

15 years Ago, the two men have developed an Alternative: Aaron Swartz, the co-founder of the social News site Reddit, and Blog author John Gruber picked up at an old concept, namely the control characters and award commands, you can enter directly in the Text (or, if you can’t remember, of course, a menu can retrieve).

Anachronistic and absurd

This sounds a little anachronistic and even absurd: Why wouldn’t you invented want to return to the operation as it was thirty years ago – as the graphical user interfaces or to be less common? It is also an achievement is lost with this primitive method, which was celebrated with the first word processing programs for Windows and Mac is still large: Namely, the appearance of the document, as finally printed (get also known as “What you see is what you get” or WYSIWYG).

The answer is clear and simple: Because it is easier. Many authors do not need to see your Text on the screen, as it will be printed: The distracts namely just. Formatting it only takes a few.

The Letter comes first

If it is not just a simple business letter, you will want to take care of the design, when a Text is finished, whether it’s for print, the Web, or the disclosure of, for example, by e-Mail. And it is also possible without problems, a Text for different purposes in different process: for example, color print, as an E-Book or online.

that’s Why the Video is the new text processing principle, it is also a plea: This simple Text Apps have their appeal, and three very specific benefits, which we will introduce in detail: they help in the concentration. They provide clean, structured documents. And they are enormously flexible.

A wide field

The method Aaron Swartz and John Gruber by the way means Markdown: And new the idea is not to make over award commands texts. She comes at the World Wide Web, as HTML for use. Wikipedia uses Wikitext. Professional printer to communicate with Postscript. And in the scientific field Latex is used.

The highlight of Markdown, however, is that this award is learning language easy: If you know the meaning of the hash, asterisk and hyphen, you far.

An App for every taste

Because Markdown is so easy, there are now a large selection of Apps for Windows, Mac, Smartphones and Tablets. In the Video we can see some of the Apps short. They are discussed in the Blog of the author in detail, namely Typora for Windows, Drafts for iPad and iPhone, Dillinger for use in the Browser and the note-taking App Joplin, available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS.

There are in the Blog various ideas of other Apps:

The Code Editor the Visual Studio Code (VSC) of Microsoft and the Windows-Editor Notepad++ and Sublime Text for Windows and Mac. In the post, The Markdown editors team be able to a number of Markdown editors, with which you can work together with multiple people to text. Dokuwiki is a web based software for documentation, which can also be used with Markdown used. One of the most popular editors for the iPad and the Mac Ulysses is presented here. A representative for the Mac Macdown is. And one of the first representatives for the iPad Editorial.

If you want to keep in spite of everything, Word and Office the rod, that is also fine. Then you will find a number of previous tips in the following Videos: This Office Trick you should know! presents extension possibilities of Word and co. Write without that Word is, is in function of Troubleshooting tips. And in the contribution the Word makes everything better – only their texts, we do not explain how to bring Microsoft’s write program to distract you while Writing.

Created: 02.12.2019, 15:45 PM