Already absent for 16 months, fullback Gaëtan Germain will not return before the end of the season, Aviron Bayonnais announced this Tuesday. Victim of a total rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the right knee on November 26, 2022 in Montpellier during a Top 14 match, the fullback and scorer is still not able to return to competition.

According to the Basque club, “numerous associated lesions, particularly cartilaginous, complicated rehabilitation and a second surgery was carried out in September 2023.” Gaëtan Germain must therefore undergo a second rehabilitation, which he is carrying out at the Clairefontaine medical center and “will not play this season”.

At Aviron Bayonnais since 2020 (and French Pro D2 champion in 2022), the player is under contract until 2025.