Aviron Bayonnais, indomitable at home. The Basques won this Saturday evening against Clermont (21-13) at the end of a very committed match. In the first period, Rozière, for ASM, found the fault first (8th) before a penalty and a drop from Urdapilleta. Bourdeau reduced the score (28th) and Martocq scored the second try for the locals (47th).

A series was to end this Saturday evening. That of Bayonne, still undefeated at Jean Dauger this season, or that of Clermont and its 5 matches without defeat. But Aviron Bayonnais got the better of ASM, who were too clumsy, especially at the end of the match.

However, in advancing from the first minutes, the ASM proved effective from its first forays into the 22 meters of Bayonne. Trailing after a first penalty from Camille Lopez (6′), Christophe Urios’ men will benefit from a brilliant inspiration from Urdapilleta to take the lead again. On a small foot pass over the defense, the Argentinian opener launched Raka near the opposing goal. Taking over from the French international winger, Jauneau, first, then Kremer decisive passer on a cross for Rozière (8′).

Expected by all of Jean-Dauger, Bayonne’s reaction was not immediate. Urdapilleta even added three more points to the scoreboard for ASM before Rowing woke up. If Fouyssac had made a nice save on Baget (13′), the Basques relied on their forwards and a maul well led by Rémi Bourdeau to get back into the score (28′). More imprecise at the end of the first act, the two teams returned to the locker room neck and neck after a failure 50m from the Clermont gunner (40′, 10-10).

Very precise in his game plan and helped by Camille Lopez to his advantage after returning from the locker room, Rowing gained confidence as the second act progressed. The play at the foot of its opener allowed Bayonne to leave its team in the opposing camp. A domination exploited by Tiberghien, decisive on Martocq’s try (46′, 15-10). This same Tiberghien was also decisive on the other side of the field, again facing Raka to prevent him from flattening Clermont’s second try.

Put in difficulty by a Clermont team full of desire, Aviron Bayonnais had to resist at the end of the meeting. Relieved several times by the precious Facundo Bosch (64′, 67′), Aviron held on and especially took advantage of the inaccuracies of the ASM which wasted numerous opportunities. Unlike the start of the match, the Clermontois mismanaged the end of the match as evidenced by the yellow card received by Bibi Biziwu and the too many penalties against them. Rowing therefore still garners important points for its maintenance objective while ASM misses the opportunity to return to the leading group with this 0-point defeat.