The match was spectacular, indecisive, furious. But UBB managed to slow down the incredible comeback of Stade Toulousain to finally win, 31 to 28, a shock enhanced by nine tries. After his enchanted parenthesis at 7, Antoine Dupont made his return. And he returned to the field in the 4th minute, as fly-half to replace Thomas Ramos, who was injured in the iliac crest.

And “Toto” impressed. If his first half, a little hesitant, did not trigger passions – “in the first period, he made some decisions which were not up to par”, admitted the Toulouse manager, Ugo Mola -, the rest made everyone agree. “We saw the extent of his talent. When we see his qualities in 10… He is dangerous every time he carries the ball. He put his team back in the lead, he broke tackles. He had a great match. It was he and he alone who put his team back in the lead, greeted UBB scrum-half Maxime Lucu. He is dangerous in all the positions he plays, we saw him at 7.”

An opinion shared by Mola. “Rugby 7s did him good, he showed everyone that he was good at 7s, we hope it will last.” International pillar Cyril Baille also appreciated. “Antoine lived up to his nickname of Martian. He touched I don’t know how many balls and he made the difference every time.” And he almost reversed the course of the meeting. “Antoine did not stop making us miserable this evening,” underlined Matthieu Jalibert at the microphone of Canal.

Next performance by Antoine Dupont, next Saturday against Section Paloise. With another highly anticipated return, that of Romain Ntamack.