A (bad) gesture that caused a lot of talk. In the 61st minute of the clash between UBB and Stade Rochelais, Matthieu Jalibert gave a small tap on the head of Grégory Alldritt on Saturday, overtaken by Damian Penaud who had just scored under his nose. The captain of the Blues during the last Six Nations Tournament (in the absence of Antoine Dupont) did not appreciate this provocative gesture and the referee of the match, Mr. Raynal, imposed a penalty on Jalibert. At the end of the match, the opening half of the XV of France apologized for this gesture on the microphone of Canal.

Guest of RMC this Wednesday, Matthieu Jalibert once again returned to this inappropriate gesture. “I regret my action a little, especially on Greg, because he is someone I like and who does not deserve to have this done to him. Sometimes in sport there is a bit of tension and euphoria, and I got carried away by my emotions, he confided. I apologized to him, I texted him after the match. Greg is very intelligent to understand that I had crossed the line but I don’t think he blames me. And added: “It was stupid, but it’s still light. I get slapped on the head 200 times a season and it doesn’t matter.”