We are playing the 61st minute of the top of the table clash between UBB and Stade Rochelais. Matthieu Jalibert clears his camp with a very long kicking game. The ball rolls into the Maritimes goal. But Grégory Alldritt is slow to flatten the ball, not seeing Damian Penaud coming at full speed and flattening it right under his nose.

Matthieu Jalibert, who runs to congratulate his winger, then gives a little pat on the neck to his captain in the French team! Who really doesn’t appreciate this provocative gesture. The referee of the match, Mr. Raynal, will also award the try while imposing a penalty on Jalibert.

After the meeting, interviewed by Canal, Matthieu Jalibert, visibly embarrassed by his slip-up, will make his mea culpa. “I just leaned on Greg,” he begins. Before resuming. “These are things you should not do. I apologized to Greg afterwards. I was taken a little by my momentum and by the euphoria. So. Greg is a player I respect. On this occasion, it was something not to do…”

However, the UBB opener is not his first attempt. We remember that he had carried out the same chambering, in November 2020, on the back of Castres Olympique, Julien Dumora…