They were expected, they responded! A week after their elimination in the quarter-final of the Champions Cup, following an exceptional match against Harlequins (41-42), the Girondins were set to bounce back this Sunday evening on home soil against ASM. It’s done, and in what way. Yannick Bru’s men tormented the Jaunards with five tries scored, including a hat-trick (42nd, 52nd, 78th) from the inevitable Damian Penaud, who now has eleven tries this season in the Top 14. The two other Bordeaux achievements of the evening are signed Ben Tapuai (21st) and Madosh Tambwe (49th). Matthieu Jalibert was once again excellent in his kicking game, bringing constant danger behind the Auvergne defense. Maxime Lucu also finished the match flawlessly. UBB French executives and internationals did not provide details.
Also read UBB-Clermont: Three-star sheepish, diabolical Jalibert, feverish Jauneau… The tops and the flops
The Clermontois did not exist against the Girondins until Yohan Beheregaray’s try (71st), and could even have removed the offensive bonus from the hands of the Bordelais in the very last seconds if Baptiste Jauneau had been able to flatten and resist the return by Louis Bielle-Biarrey. A memorable action which ended with a masterful hundred-meter run from Damian Penaud for the last try of the match. Thanks to this improved victory, the Girondins are back in the Top 5 and can still dream of the final stages. For their part, the Auvergnats, eleventh in the standings, are diving back after their impressive success (53-14) last weekend in the Challenge Cup against Ulster and are dangerously flirting with the relegation zone.