To EDIT a tweet is one of the things that frequent users of the platform are always with co-founder Jack Dorsey . By the way, the old @jack remains at the moment in the role of Ceo after the agreement with the investment fund Elliott, and Silver Lake. That feature, that is, some mode of retouching and correction, there was never a trace. “We started as a service, sms messaging, explained the 43-year-old manager and computer, on several occasions, the last one in January in an interview to Wired Usa – and as you know, when you send a message, you can not go back”. In short, the gist of Twitter is “to preserve that vibration, that feeling of the first days”. On this point, the platform has always insisted heavily. And yet, sometimes, there is that typo, that typo in, that carelessness that deserve a quick edit, the more the complicated job to cancel the operation, rewrite it and republish it. With all the risks of the case in terms of time and reputation.

Especially in certain periods and at critical stages as a pandemic coronavirus, post accurate information is crucial. Start from the beginning, for a small error, is not the best. Now you can get back on their feet thanks to Brizzly, a Twitter client – that is, a platform for third that allows the management of the account and a number of features of the social does not have – launched in reality ten years ago. But is now back completely renewed with a new goal: to give a helping hand to the frequent users, in particular those of information, but not only, with two or three options that Twitter offers. The first is a button “undo,” “go back” and edit a certain content. You can do it with a delay of ten seconds, for the more evident errors, or ten minutes for those who want to think a little more. During this time, you can precisely click on “undo” to edit the tweet was published just before – but in reality never really posted – and replaces it with the correct one. But skip a step: a partial change, technically not a true “edit” to be honest, but certainly a very useful way to speed up the operations, and dodge the embarrassing setbacks. The famous “count to ten”.