Nolann Le Garrec will long remember the big victory of the XV of France in Wales (24-45) this Sunday for the 4th day of the Six Nations Tournament. Correct in his choices, precise, decisive and author of a try, the young 21-year-old scrum half was logically elected man of the match.

His performance will also remain a sublime gesture, full of audacity, that the Racing 92 player dared to attempt at the end of the first half. A chistera, that is to say a pass made behind the back by throwing the arm backwards. By its length and precision, this was particularly impressive. “His chistera passed, we looked at the Welshman who was trying to intercept the ball which was flying (laughs)…”, laughed Fabien Galthié after the match.

The Blues coach was won over by the performance of his young number 9, who took over from Maxime Lucu in this key position. “He was always facing the game, just offensively. It was released as the water flowed. With extras, his defensive withdrawals or his presence in the corridors where he fought. He is one of the players who stood up today. He was very present. Enough to guarantee him a starting place against England on Saturday (9:00 p.m.) in Lyon at the end of the Tournament?