We know it from the circle of friends: A Couple of separates, and all except for the Few find it terrible. “They have fit in so well together!” In the Tech world there is also. The speech is by Google and Samsung . The two Tech companies have made Android the dominant operating system. Samsung supplied the phone. Google the Software.

a partnership may no longer apply. Yes, they occasionally work together and arrange themselves. But Google is now building its own phones, and Samsung to build Android according to your preference.

Nowhere is the fracture is more visible than in the case of the watch. Than Samsung 2013 introduced with the Galaxy Gear, the first Smartwatch , ran a modified variant of Google’s Android. In the consequence developed, Google Android Wear, an operating system specifically for watches. Samsung made the Gear Live a clock to the project.

But when the Software in the summer of 2014 was finished and the clock came on the market, had had a change of heart Samsung already. Instead of Android should run on their own clocks, in the future, the in-house Tizen Software. The Gear 2 made in February 2014, the beginning. The term “Galaxy” was dropped from the name because it sounded too much like Google’s Android.


While slowly became apparent that the Apple Watch would be a success, re-worked each of the former partners with reasonable success on its platform. Google to put on new partners from the world of watches, and baptized “Android Wear” this year in “Wear OS”.

Samsung has tried in the various watch designs. Only a Mini edgy, then phone for the wrist. In the autumn of 2015, finally, the group introduced with the Gear S2, the first round Smartwatch with a rotating bezel. The concept, the group has held since then. Nevertheless, there were always rumors that the group would Software the-alone exit and return to the Google-course swing.

Galaxy instead of Gear

this summer has transpired, that the new watch would not be more hot Gear, but Galaxy Watch, seemed to be the case clear, and the Google-Comeback sealed. But It Failed To Display. The new Galaxy Watch also makes use of Samsung’s own Tizen. Name or not.

Thus it was clear that the Galaxy Watch is a development of the Gear S2 of 2015 and no restart. Name or not.

But how does the Galaxy Watch is reflected in everyday life? What makes them better than their predecessors? And above all: it managed to Samsung, the Tizen Software, which is the biggest weak point of previous watches, burnish?

development instead of rebooting

Wearing the new Galaxy Watch (from 300 Fr.) in everyday life, it is immediately clear that it is suspected for the Galaxy Watch, as to a further development of the round Gear is watches. Design and operation differ. Is operated the clock using two buttons, the rotating bezel and the Touchscreen.

The operation on the bezel is a bit strange initially, since it is not always clear whether one, scroll down, to the left or right turn. But for those who had in the past, a similar Samsung-clock, will feel immediately at home.

stamina and independence

The major Highlights of the watch for several days by holding the end of the battery are the way to go by the LTE independently to the cell phone network and the fact that it works with iPhones and Android devices. In particular, the Latter is a piece of art, the Apple doesn’t bring to finish it today, or more likely not done.

Also the battery pack could cut off the whole of the Google and Apple competition is a big piece. Wear OS and Apple watches need the charger usually after about 24 hours again. The Samsung watch is held in the Test several times twice as long or longer.

Even if the clock is directly connected to the LTE network (and not via Bluetooth and a mobile phone), keeps the battery good for a day. In the Test there was evidence, however, that the watch lost the night is probably the Bluetooth connection to Huawei mobile phone and then via LTE an unnecessary amount of battery consumed.

sleep tracking without the need for additional apps

A useful side-effect of the endurance of the batteries, the possibility to measure with the Samsung-clock without any additional apps the sleep is. Reminder: When the Apple Watch the only way is with third-party apps.

How easy or complicated it is to enable the built-in eSIM, and to connect the clock for the first time with the mobile phone network, we could not try, since the eSIM of the Testuhr was already enabled.

medium-large or x-large

The Design, Samsung has now finally two sizes in the offer. For the Test, Samsung has borrowed the larger model. (Probably not least because of the battery endurance.) Personally, I would have opted for the smaller one. Taking also the is not exactly small.

Especially the round screen and the steel case like. Less like that the bottom is made of plastic. The biggest disappointment, however, is the supplied a lousy rubber bracelet. Of course you can swap easily for a better one, since Samsung uses the watch industry well-known bracelet’s standard. But still, it makes the watch unnecessary cheap appear. In addition, most of the customer hardly a second Band.

Therefore, the tip: a better belt order or buy. The costs, although again a bit. But even a cheap bracelet from the store (or Internet) is likely to exceed the Samsung rubber bracelets in all respects.

Annoying Gesurre

A further negligence relates to the Vibra-Alarm. The buzzes so loud that in the Morning the effect of a silent alarm, again, is repealed. And then there’s a little thing: The supplied charging dock has an old-fashioned Micro-USB connector. And the in times in which even Apple switches the iPad to USB-C.

You could almost think that Samsung remained on as many loading docks of previous watches that you want to get rid of the marriage, there is a new Design with a contemporary connection.

Digital Kitsch or Coolness factor?

before we come to the Software, there are two aspects that can be either great or pretty silly. At first I thought I was hearing things, but the Galaxy Watch is ticking. When the screen comes on, you can hear a Ticking sound, almost like a mechanical watch. The screen goes out, to hear the Ticking again.

In the same category of the pre-installed photo-realistic dials fall. They imitate the Look of mechanical watches. Even with simulated (if slightly jerky) reflections. Also here is a clear case of a matter of taste.


In the case of Software, it is striking that Tizen each year is better and everything is a polished more. Rarely you will stumble on items that were clearly designed for rectangular screens. This is a legacy of previous Smartwatches have to overcome Google’s Wear OS is still a complete.

Especially the automatic Sport – and Fitness-Tracking like on the Galaxy Watch. Just one example: When I get on the train, congratulated me for the Samsung watch to my short walk, while the Apple Watch asks for a maximum of whether you should record a walk. Here Samsung is ahead of other Smartwatches, a step.

encounter But still a so many unnecessarily complicated or inelegant elements. My favorite example of that was two years ago, when testing the Gear S3, the much to complicated alarm clock App from Samsung. The Video shows the many steps that are necessary to provide a silent alarm clock:

And for comparison, the same task with the Apple Watch:

In the case of such carelessness, one wished that Samsung and Google would get its act together at last and everything, with the combined forces of the Apple Watch, a worthy competitor. In the longer term, it is likely to run anyway on a two fight. The earlier one, so zusammenrauft, the better.

With all the shortcomings, and in spite of a lack of interest on the part of Google’s consolidated financial strategists Wear OS Tizen, however, much better chances than Samsung for an Alternative platform to ascend. Except there is still a Surprise and Fitbit ends up a sleeper hit, or at the end of 2018, as announced (but probably late) Smartwatch operating system, the Swatch group is completely changing the market once again operational.

Still, Who is Apple’s Smartwatch would Not want to today, explicit with all the trimmings (and especially LTE), makes the Galaxy Watch nothing wrong. But of perfection, the Samsung watch, and especially the Tizen Software are still a big step. And if Samsung decides for the exchange on Wear OS, could look like the newly purchased watch suddenly quite old. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 13.12.2018, 12:09 PM