By appointing Hervé Renard at the head of the France team in place of a Corinne Deacon who broke the ban with her players, the Federation knew very well what it was doing. Charismatic, passionate, the former Cannes player knows how to capture the light like no one else. For the better, as demonstrated by his chat before the victory against Brazil (2-1) worthy of an Al Pacino in the film Sunday Hell, which undoubtedly transcended all or part of his players. And sometimes for the less good. Like at the end of the match against the South American team…

Annoyed to see the referee award a free kick to the Brazilians when additional time – 7 minutes – had just come to an end, Hervé Renard went into a black rage, attacking both the referee, to the 4th referee and… to a member of the South American staff. Excessive behavior that had earned a logical yellow card to the French coach. And who brought him, this Tuesday in the preamble to his press conference before France-Panama – this Wednesday (12:00 p.m.) -, to apologize elegantly. “The only thing I know is that I’m still a bit crazy, as you could see at the end of the game against Brazil. I would just like to apologize for my behavior at the end of the match. It’s not good behavior, it’s not a good image for the France team. So I apologize.” Confessed mistake…

SEE ALSO – Hervé Renard’s journey to the top of Les Bleues