Thomas Ramos is the new record holder for the number of transformations in the French rugby team thanks to the four made during the victory in Wales (45-24) on Sunday in the Six Nations Tournament.

With 63 conversions, the Blues scorer is now ahead of Christophe Lamaison and Frédéric Michalak, who held the record (61) until then.

Usual full-back lined up at the opening Sunday in Cardiff, Ramos, author of 20 points at the foot (4 conversions and 4 penalties) also crossed the 300 point mark for the French team.

With 319 points since his international debut in 2019, the Toulouse player (28 years old, 35 caps) is the seventh best French director of all time behind Frédéric Michalak (436), Christophe Lamaison (380), Dimitri Yachvili (373), Morgan Parra (370), Thierry Lacroix (367) and Didier Camberabero (354).