“Antoine has already made moderate contacts, on shields, with the physical trainers at the end of last week. It is now available to the group. He will train normally but we will do it intelligently. Today (Monday) a non-contact clarity session but tomorrow it is available to coaches. There will therefore be contacts fairly quickly to test it and see its reactions. After each training session, doctor Philippe Turblin sees him to assess his progress.

“It was not possible to make Antoine take any risk to bring him back more quickly. But ossification is occurring normally, which is why the surgeon gave the green light. Now, we must get Antoine to be in the best possible condition. The essential parameter is apprehension. We must support him so that he can apply in the best conditions. There is a treatment part: maxillofacial rehabilitation to reduce edema; specific work on the dental joint and osteo work on the skull. Today, he does not describe any particular pain but we remain attentive. Hence the medical check-up every evening.”

“The coach will take the time to discuss his feelings with him. If Antoine comes back, it is because he will be in full possession of his means to compete in this quarter-final.

“Wearing a helmet was discussed. We’re working on it. Antoine tested this type of protection. He has to be able to train with it. He must not be visually and hearing impaired.”

Comments collected by videoconference