The ceo of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, has been involved in a controversy that has ignited the social network that directs during his visit to India. In this trip has coincided with the prime minister, Narendra Modi, and figures such as the renowned Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan. The founder of Twitter was attending a meeting with journalists and activists on Sunday in New Delhi, the capital of the country, when one of them gave him a banner that read “smash the patriarchy brahman”. The controversial message, which was made public this Tuesday in a picture, refers not only to the recent movement I Too re-launched in India since September, but also to the ancient caste system that has kept the hindu religion for centuries.

Twitter has apologized officially for the incident and regretted that some users indians have the label of “incitement to hatred”. “The sentiments expressed in the poster do not reflect the opinions of Twitter as a company or Jack’s as executive director, and we feel that this picture has been subtracted value to a trip that has been very valuable”, has declared this Wednesday to the Reuters news agency a spokesman of the company, who makes it clear that the banner came from the hands of an activist belonging to the lowest caste, the dalits or untouchables.

some have served the apology when it was on the debate among Twitter users in a country in which the flame of hatred is easily flammable with messages that combine religion and caste. Photography has infuriated the higher castes, or brahmins, indian many parts of the world and to the religious-nationalists defenders of the purity of hinduism, those who the message of racist and have criticized that the western thought want to end with Polobet the local traditions.

“oh, SHOCKING! a poster with ‘mangle brahman’ shown proudly by the CEO of Jack in his visit to India. Is it acceptable to demonize the brahmins from the #FuerzasDestructorasdeIndia of foreigners?”, he asked rhetorically on the network the author is indian-american and creator of the Foundation, Infinity Foundation Rajiv Malhotra. Another prominent indian, T. V. Mohandas Pai, criticized in a tweet: “what If, tomorrow, give him a poster of Jack with messages of anti-semitic, will allow your team to catch it?”. Pai, the company’s president of digital education Manipal Global, concluded: “Inciting hatred towards any community is a mistake.”

The company has backtracked

The reaction of the users of the social network has not been made wait. Hundreds of threads have referred to the ancestral oppression of the caste system dominated by the brahmins and as well as to the need to eliminate all forms of patriarchy regardless of their origin or religion. The company, which initially described the situation as “the reflection tangible” in their efforts “to see, hear and understand all parts of the public conversations that happen around the world”, has reculado in his interpretation of the incident.

on Monday afternoon, Vijaya Gadde, head of the legal department of the company, who accompanied Dorsey during his journey through the asian country, he was “embarrassed” and clarified that “Twitter strives to be a neutral platform for all”. Gadde tweeted: “We have failed in this and we must give the best service to our customers in India”. However, activists and users have been loaded against the pretentious objectivity of the company consider that both patriarchy and supremacy religious, are evils to eliminate in the modern India and should be a focus of debate and criticism in public platforms like Twitter.

The platform want to take care of its positioning in India, where it has a potential of expansion incalculable thanks to the 330 million smartphones in circulation (the second largest market in the world after China) and that also has the population off world’s largest: more than 1,000 million people in 2016, according to the World Bank. Twitter has a monthly average of 34.4 million active users in the country, including the prime minister himself Modi, enthusiast declared in this network, and seek to conquer a society where there is WhatsApp and Facebook. This last network was also accused of meddling in issues of national identity and “colonialism ” digital” when, in 2015, he released his implementation of free access to a small number of web pages in rural areas of India. Recently, WhatsApp has been at the center of the controversy when the transmission viral video fake gave rise to lynchings and public in the asian country between the months of may and July of this year.