The talks in Doha are to be distributed: at the age of eighteen years from the beginning of the war in Afghanistan, between the tiredness and disillusion, in the past two days, the delegates of the United States and the Taliban have resumed to discuss the peace agreement, and people even speak of a possible ceremony that celebrate him, the spokesman said taliban Suhail Shaheen on Twitter. Negotiations – led by the special envoy of the United States Zalmay Khalilzad and as a member of the taliban Abdul Ghani Baradar – will continue for the next few days.

This round of discussion on the pace it started last year, but it was interrupted by the will of Donald Trump at the beginning of September, when an agreement seemed at hand, after which a dozen people, including an american military had died in an attack in Kabul claimed by the islamic fundamentalists. On the table of the negotiations, a gradual withdrawal of u.s. forces (13 thousand soldiers at the time) and Nato troops. The Taliban is required first of all a commitment: should not allow that, in future, Afghanistan could again become a starting point for operation of terrorism in the other Country.