the BEIJING – “Here in Wuhan, there is great alarm. I have the impression that the concern is higher outside of China”. the Lorenzo Mastrotto , 46 years old, a native of Vicenza, a sales manager for an Italian company, living since 2006 in the capital city of Hubei, has a chinese wife and two small children. His house is a few hundred metres from the fish market where it all began. But despite its location in the heart of the emergency coronavirus, Mastrotto answers the phone in a good mood: “of course I am worried for my children and I take all the precautions of the case, we leave all masked. But you are sick, 200 people in a city that has 11 million, the number does not seem so high.”

What is the weather like in Wuhan?
“In the subway there are many people with the mask, especially the young. But apart from this, if one had not read the news would not notice anything. People continue to eat at the restaurant, the elders, to dance in the parks in the evening, they are all very quiet”.

Believes that the chinese authorities have hidden the severity of the infection?
“I don’t think there has been the will of insabbiarlo. Already in the last days of December had said that it had identified the virus and that there were deaths. The first emergency had broken out then. But then there have been two weeks without updates, maybe the thing was underestimated. When yesterday (Monday, editor’s note) is back out there we are amazed”.

Now are in force of the emergency measures?
“No, nothing of that was done in Hong Kong with Sars. There are fines for those who cough, people, here that is very very true, it continues to spit on the ground. Were not even closed the schools, as usually happens in severe cases of the flu. But now they are all home for the new year”.

So it is confident?
“Or maybe it’s that in China, I am used to everything.”

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on The sardines go in Bibbiano, all the while speaking Salvini. On Saturday, the dip in the sea, Papeete the full and The empty of the left Sarditudine, the sound is promising of a word If the logistics was logic Salvini: “The referendum is the”Emilia and I will win”. The former minister pretends to rejoice

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