In Ecuador has been taken, an employee of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange . Minister of the interior María Paula Romo said on Thursday the arrest had taken place, as the “very close” associates of assange have wanted to travel to Japan.

information on the identity of the detainees, the Minister made. They had brought him with Trying to destabilize the government of President Lenín Moreno.

“In Ecuador there is a Plan of destabilization that has to do with geopolitical interests,” said interior Minister Romo after the arrest of the Suspect. “We have evidence for a relationship of the person arrested Ricardo Patiño, the foreign Minister, that Julian Assange had been granted asylum.”

public enemy of the United States

Assange was arrested on Thursday after seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Quito had previously revoked the political asylum for the 47-year-old Australian, who due to the publication of secret U.S. documents is considered by many in the United States as an enemy of the state.

The access in the morning, was, according to Scotland Yard due to a Court order from 2012, due to breach of bail conditions. A court in London said the 47-Year-old a few hours later, guilty of that. This Offence can be punished with up to one year in prison.

In the US, the Australians, according to the Ministry of justice, for conspiracy to attack on government computer accused. For up to five years in prison threaten him. The allegations relate to the Wikileaks publications of hundreds of thousands of secret government had been leaked documents in 2010 and 2011, the Wikileaks by former US soldier Chelsea Manning.

Clinton talks

According to the former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should be responsible for Assange for his alleged crimes before a court. The unveiling platform was released in the presidential campaign of 2016, E-Mails from the democratic party and the then-candidate Clinton harmed.

“From the indictment that became public,… that the support for Hacking a military computer, with the aim of stealing information from the U.S. government,” Clinton said at an event in New York on Thursday.

“He should answer for what he has done”: Hillary Clinton is pursuing the further development. (11. April 2019) image: Mary Altaffer/AP/Keystone

“I’m going to wait and see what happens with the charges and how the Whole thing goes on,” she added. “The bottom line is that he needs to answer for what he has done, at least as it provides for the prosecution.”

US intelligence agencies continue to own the information that the presidential election stolen E-downloaded Mails from Russian hackers and Wikileaks were leaked to help Clinton damage, and Donald Trump.

Assange was arrested on Thursday in the Embassy of Ecuador in London. The 47-Year-old had lived there since June 2012 in self-imposed exile. The United States will demand his extradition.


Created: 12.04.2019, 08:37 PM