Hitesh Kumar Sirohi, and his wife were just at the cemetery, a grave to dig. Since they were in a metre-deep: life. With the blade they met in a buried container made of clay. Hurriedly they dug the pot out of the ground and found a newborn girl. It screamed.

Sirohi, and his wife Vaishali searched quickly for a cloth and soaked it with milk, to feed on the weakened girl. The child had to be minutes before buried, otherwise it would hardly have been still alive. Meanwhile, Physicians take care of in a clinic to have the child. It is about five days old. The sisters they call Sita. Her condition was on Tuesday night as critical. Whether the newborn survived, is unclear.

search for the parents

Indian media describe the case as a miraculous rescue in the last second. But the crime is a reminder of the deepest abysses of a Patriarchal society in reminder: girls are thrown away because they are girls.

police officer Abhinandan Singh from Bareilly described how the family Sirohi found the child in a clay pot, but important questions remained unresolved, especially: Who are the parents? Who is burying the living girls? And how came it that the dealer Sirohi, and his wife got, of all things, in that place is a grave for your own daughter assigned? The Couple had lost their child shortly before, after a premature birth. They were at the cemetery to her dead child into the earth and came instead to the clay pot. To made this extraordinary coincidence, the police are not. You’re still the parents of the little girl.

Rescued: The small Sita. Photo: PD

India has laws stating that it is illegal to determine the sex of an unborn child, or selective abortion of female fetuses, to make. Nevertheless, it is studied in many areas in secretly, whether it is a boy or a girl. A study by the British medical journal “The Lancet” had come in the year 2011 to the conclusion: “Selective abortions in India have increased considerably.” Thus were aborted since 1980, up to 12 million female fetuses in India. But it also happens that the already-born girls are just exposed somewhere. Or in the worst case, such as the small Sita, just alive to be buried.

Problem of dowry

data from the years 2015 to 2017 suggest that the state of India gets crimes of this type still in the handle. On 1000 born boys only 896 girl came. In the summer of 2019 Figures from the state of Uttarakhand were known, showed that in 132 villages within a period of three months, not one girl came. In January, residents had discovered in the state of Rajasthan a three-week-old girl who had been buried alive. They brought the Little one to the hospital, where she died some weeks later.

In the Federal state of Haryana, the police chases after illegal abortion ambulances, buses that are equipped with ultrasound devices, and secretly your customers on Board. Then the parents decide whether you want to have your child or not.

experts denounce that the dowry System in India contributes still to a girl be seen in families as a burden and boys as an investment in the future. At the wedding the bride brings in jewelry, Gold, money, furniture or real estate, in the family of the groom. The state has banned the practice for a long time, however, the societal expectations, and many do not have the strength to escape them. The costs can ruin a family that has several daughters.

Created: 15.10.2019, 20:59 PM