In the Iraqi of Mosul has been placed the Foundation stone for the reconstruction of the al-Nuri mosque with its famous crooked minaret. Dozens of government representatives, religious in would city-makers, representatives of the United Nations and European embassies attended on Sunday the ceremony on the big square in front of the destroyed landmark of the North Iraqi.

The mosque had been destroyed in June, 2017 in the case of Fighting the Iraqi government forces with the jihadists militia of the Islamic state (IS). Only now, with Graffiti-strewn green dome of the mosque and part of the entrance portal are still preserved, and the Rest is in ruins. From the minaret of the rectangular Foundation is only left.

the destruction of The mosque was “a Moment of horror and despair,” said the Iraqi representative to the UN cultural organisation, Unesco , Louise Haxthausen, at the ceremony. Now the journey “of reconstruction will begin with the laying of the Foundation stone”.

The project is scheduled to last five years. While in the first year, is to document the condition of the premises and to vacate it, are provided according to the Unesco four years for the reconstruction. The project is financed with a donation from the United Arab Emirates in the amount of 50.4 million dollars (44.6 million Euro).

the construction of The al-Nuri mosque was commissioned in 1172 by the ruler Nureddin al-such as the Helsinki in order. The minaret al-Hadba (“The hunchback”) is depicted on the 10’000-Dinar Banknote and its name to numerous Restaurants and businesses.

Unesco warned of the collapse

From the pulpit of the mosque in the IS-leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed in June 2014, a “Caliphate” in Parts of Syria and Iraq. The Iraqi army accused the extremist group, to have the mosque before their expulsion from Mosul in June 2017 blown up. The IS, in turn, makes a US-led air strike responsible for the destruction.

narrowed it down to a miracle, that the minaret stood for so long: The IS killed during the assault on Mosul three years ago, the Imam of the house of God and wanted to blow up the Holy site already at the time, but failed at the resistance of the population. In addition, the more than 800-year old minaret was so skewed that Unesco warned of a collapse, and in June 2014, with conservation work began. Only a few days later the program was terminated by the invasion of the IS. (nag/AFP)

Created: 16.12.2018, 17:07 PM