in view of the catastrophic oil Spill off the North East coast of Brazil government has warned chief Jair Bolsonaro in front of dramatic consequences. “The worst is yet to come,” said Bolsonaro on Sunday in a television interview.

“flushes What so far and was collected, only a small proportion of what is leaked,” said the President. Bolsonaro said he did not know whether more Oil would reach the Brazilian coast. It indicates, however, everything that “the currents go in the direction of the Brazilian coast”.

Since the three months to the Brazilian North-East coast of a heavy oil Spill is haunted. Affected more than 200 places around 2250 kilometers of coastline have been contaminated since the beginning of the crisis.

“The worst is yet to come”: Jair Bolsonaro device, even under pressure. (Keystone/28. October 2019)

The ecological and economic extent of the oil Spill is not, according to the official yet clear. On Friday, the Brazilian authorities, the operators had accused the company of a Greek tanker, the oil Spill is responsible. The company Delta Tankers rejected this.

residents in the resort area, set the Hand to

environmental groups accuse the Brazilian government, under the radical right-wing President Bolsonaro, the oil Spill has so far been largely ignored and have little means to combat it are provided. Experts speak of the most serious environmental disaster in this part of Brazil.

residents of the Holiday resort with his part of Paradise-like beaches, had made them desperate, even to the cleaning of the coast – because the authorities responded late or hardly. Most recently was involved but also the military in the purges. In the meantime, were collected according to the army more than 1000 tonnes of Oil again.

The Brazilian national Institute for space research (Inpe) had declared on Friday, may Oil residues were still in the sea, which could be flushed away by the currents on the Brazilian coast. This could, according to Inpe, the southeastern States of Espíritu Santo and Rio de Janeiro. (fal/sda)

Created: 04.11.2019, 09:58 PM