LONDON – “60% of britons will have to contract the Coronavirus to develop the immunity of the flock”. They discuss, and so, the words this morning to Sky News, Sir Patrick Vallance, one of the two highest medical authority of the government of Boris Johnson. Because they understand that there is a chance huge by the british government, considering that in today’s world, the mortality of the Covid19 ranges between 1 and 6 percent. “Yes, the Coronavirus is a nasty disease but in the majority of cases have only mild symptoms,” said Vallance, ” the virus will be seasonal, and would return the next winter. For this it is important to develop an immunity to the flock, to keep the virus under control in the long term”. Attention: Vallance speaks of the immunity of the flock acquired through the infection of Coronavirus, not because of mass vaccination, as usually happens. Also, because a vaccine for the Covid19 is still not there and may only get a year. “With 60% of the population infected by the virus, we would have a immunity of the flock,” explained Vallance to Sky News. Words controversial. For some, the theory of Vallance is a huge risk that could lead to the death of at least hundreds of thousands of britons, with the aim of developing a brutal immunity mass and stop the contagion. The british are 67 million, 60% are approximately 40 million. If also been on the decline calcolassimo a mortality rate of 1%, this approach might have a “cost” of at least 400 dead, in the best of cases. Not to mention that the health uk may collapse rapidly with an avalanche of sick people in the icu. Also, there is no certainty that this method will work: the Covid19 seems to be a virus changing and to date has not yet been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that you will get immunity once the contract and then disappeared from the body after healing. But this is now obvious, the approach of the british government against the Coronavirus. And yesterday, the premier Johnson said at a press conference in London: “it Is the most serious health crisis in a generation, will die of many of our loved ones.” A strategy completely opposite to that of Italy, which has closed the whole Country, because so far the number of cases here in england is relatively low: “only” 590 positive and 10 deaths (data updated yesterday) on over 29mila pads. In reality, yesterday, today, Vallance has admitted that the real number of people infected in the United Kingdom – those who have escaped so far to the test – you may get to the “5 thousand-10 thousand infected. But the Uk remains the only european country hit by the Coronavirus, which so far refuses to accept any draconian measure, or for the less drastic to contain it. Yesterday, Johnson has imposed the self-imposed isolation for a week to any citizen who has a cough or fever persistent, in addition to repeating his council daily: “Wash your hands often for 20 seconds with warm water, while you sing twice “Happy birthday”. But schools, bars, restaurants, pubs, gatherings, sports or social, travel, travel remain open, active or permits. In London and in the rest of the Country the threat of the Coronavirus, for now, is poorly perceived: a few masks. Life, for now, go ahead, hectic, social, worldly, and crowded as always. Which approach – hard or soft – will be right in the long term? No one knows. Even the Premier League, the rich and beautiful football league in the world, is still in vogue. But at least on this point the british authorities should give in, in spite of their conviction to go ahead, even at the doors apertr (see Liverpool-Atletico on Wednesday night). Chelsea and Arsenal are already in quarantine: in the last few hours were positive, respectively, the footballer Hudson-Odoi and even the coach of the gunners ‘ Mikel Arteta. Until you can go on like this? The strategy of the United Kingdom against the Coronavirus is unique in Europe. Is more like that of Donald Trump, who for weeks has minimized the threat of the Virus and then do a resounding reverse. The decisive year of the Brexit and the risk of tumbling economic in the case of an unfavourable economic climate in 2021 could affect, and not a little, the choices of Johnson.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today on offers of assistance, expressions of solidarity. Travel in Italy armored but more united as a Coronavirus, which is why the lethality in Italy is so high The doctor is sick: “I intubated and unconscious, now I’m back to life and to all I say: resist” The illegal immigrants of the infection The only border helpful

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