BEIJING – coronavirus continues to kill: at least 81 victims recorded, all in China, 76 are in the province of Hubei. the account of the infected people rose to 2744, of which over 1400 in one area of Wuhan. But the virus affects beyond the boundaries: eight cases of infection are reported in Thailand, as many in Hong Kong. The other five are registered in the Usa, as in Australia, Taiwan, Macao; four in Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia; three in France and south Korea, two in Vietnam, one in Canada and in Nepal.
Coronavirus China, rises to 81 the behalf of the victims
Pentagon meldt honderden nieuwe ufo-waarnemingen
Het Pentagon heeft in een jaar tijd honderden meldingen ontvangen van nieuwe ufo-waarnemingen. Onder die waarnemingen is "een aantal bijzonder interessante gevallen", zoals een...