In the summer of 1973 were sitting with the Americans in front of their televisions and watched how their President was as a Criminal to be unmasked. From mid-may until the beginning of August TV channel broadcast every day, live the so-called Watergate hearings in the Senate. In the end, the citizens did not only learn that Richard Nixon had been informed of all sorts of crimes that were committed by his employees to his personal political advantage; but that the President had also helped to cover up these illegal activities. It took then another year, until Nixon on 9. August 1974 resigned. But the hearings in the Watergate scandal for Nixon and the beginning of the end.

This is the script, the thinking of the US Democrats, if you start this week in Congress, with the first public hearings in the Ukraine scandal. You want to show the public that President Donald Trump has tried to get ahead of the illegal kind of political advantages. And that he then lied after the had become known, and deceived.

pressure on Republicans

Even if Washington is currently no one expects Trump will resign or removed from office, is to be increased, the pressure on the Republicans to stand against their President. Most of the facts to which it will go, are known: Trump has urged the Ukraine to investigate against the democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter. The lawyer and Lobbyist Hunter Biden was in the years after 2014 for the Ukrainian gas company Burisma operates. His father was a U.S. Vice President. In this role, he had demanded from Kiev to the dismissal of a Prosecutor who had been investigating corruption against Burisma. Although there is no evidence that Biden wanted to help his son. Trump claimed, nevertheless, that there is a conspiracy of Biden’s stick.

And that’s why Trump of the government in Kiev has requested through various channels that this state should initiate legal investigations against Burisma and the Bidens. In at least one case, the President himself turned on – at the end of July, in a telephone conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodimir Selenski.

Trump denies allegations

As the pressure began to Trump two things: For one, he told Selenski, that this would only be in the White house to receive if he had committed publicly to an investigation against the Bidens; on the other, the White house stopped in the summer of this year, the payout of just under $ 400 million in U.S. military aid to Kiev. The money seems to flow only when Selenski had announced the investigation against Biden.

This results in the following situation: the President of The United States of America has quite obviously needs to miss his office and his Power to move to a foreign government, a year before the election, legal action against one of his most prominent political opponents in action. This is not only politically reprehensible, but to that person probably is also against US laws. No wonder, then, that the Democrats have initiated impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

This denies to this day that he had proposed to the Ukraine against the business or the country being blackmailed. There had been no principle of quid Pro quo, claimed the President. He only want to ensure that no US tax to drain away funds in the corrupt country verse.

government witnesses

The many members of staff in the White house and in the Ministry of foreign Affairs, have already said in the last weeks before the house of representatives out to see, however, is different. They were appalled that Trump has mixed blank rumors about the Bidens and his campaign in such a blatant way with the official American policy towards Kiev. The principle of quid Pro quo was, in your view, clearly.

The Democrats hope that this government will be an employee of good witnesses. It is no coincidence that the hearings are to begin on Wednesday with William Taylor, the US chargé d’affaires in Kiev, the government, internally, several times a doubt as to the claims Trumps against the Ukraine had signed. Taylor is a state servant of impeccable reputation. Similarly, Alexander he received his, the Ukraine-experts of the National security Council in the White house. Him in his statement that he was a water carrier for the Democrats, difficult defender is likely to be for Trumps. This does not mean that you will not do it.

What are the consequences of this will have anything for Trump, is open. What you know: Even Richard Nixon wasn’t actually the duties of his office than the Nation in the summer of 1973 in front of the TV gathered.

Created: 10.11.2019, 20:38 PM