It was attacked five times and always for the same reason: her sexuality. After the fifth assault he has decided to publish on social the photos of his face, with the marks and the blood left by the beatings clearly visible. His hope: that his tormentors are stopped. The story comes from the North of England, from the city of Sunderland, and the protagonist is twenty-year-old Charlie Graham . His only fault, complaint, is that she’s a lesbian.

The latest attack occurred last Saturday, January 11: the girl was attacked from behind by two people and struck with a fist. The wounds to the head and the knees are clearly visible in the photos put online, where Graham denounces the attack and says that she is worried for the fact that this is not the first episode of violence. The police are investigating and “does not believe that the incidents are connected,” he explained to the girl on the post spread online.

In an interview with the Daily Star, Charlie Graham has narrated in detail the assault: “I was struck by a punch behind the head”. The blow made it fall to the ground “ferendosi the legs and the face,” he explains. “I tried to stand up again, but I pushed again and I fell to the ground. Then the two young men fled. They left me on the ground bleeding and scared.”

The girl in addition to the pain of the wounds, is suffering from panic attacks, he told, and now he’s afraid to leave home because they are afraid that the next attack will be worse. Even at home, can’t keep quiet, she says: “If they find out where I live,” could “enter in at the door” for aggredirmi.