The threat of a second wave of the sars coronavirus, and a new pandemic is forcing the european Union to draw lessons and learn from mistakes, to be better prepared in the future. This is the message of the letter sent to the president of the european Commission by Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, and their counterparts in Polish, Spanish, belgian and Danish.

Shortage of ventilators, masks and medicines, medical equipment blocked at the borders and competition between the Europeans to buy in China… These scenes of mayhem that followed the uncoordinated decisions of Twenty-Seven, as well as the “heavy price” in lives and the economic downturn, have “raised questions” on the preparation of the Europe, write diplomatically signatories. They insist on the “necessity of a common european approach”.

see also : How Macron has joined Merkel on the idea of a european financial solidarity

For France and Germany, “it is a sort of mea culpa” while the two countries have closed their borders and banned the export of critical products at the peak of the crisis, analysis Eric Maurice, of the Fondation Schuman.

At the heart of the proposals, we find the idea of giving the Union a real strategy for dispose of medicines, vaccines and medical equipment. Is logically put forward the need to develop the european capacity for research, particularly for the development of vaccines. But the reflection goes further. There is a demand for harmonization of analytical tools and information-sharing, to not be surprised in the event of an outbreak.

This crisis has developed “the feeling of a need for policy integration at european level”

The signatories also propose that the Twenty-Seven will consult on an “effective division of labour” to produce and to store, in Europe, all supplies critical. This calls for a strengthening of the single market and the european industrial policy, notably to make it more sustainable, some solutions adopted in urgency, relating to the competition and markets together. A proposal which, to Eric Maurice, shows that this crisis has developed “the feeling of a need for policy integration at european level”.

The letter is welcome, ensures the spokesperson of the Commission, Eric Mamer. “We share his analysis and his ideas.” Indeed, much of what is proposed has “already been done”, and a strategy for vaccines that will be considered by the Commission next week. Overall, the issues raised in the letter are addressed in the stimulus package of 750 billion euro and the future eu budget for 2021-2027, proposed by the european Commission.

see also : The european Commission has proposed a stimulus funds of 750 billion euros

If it will not produce change of transmission, the message is not in vain. Addressed to the Commission, it claims, in particular encouraging them to “pull the ears to the member States”, and their reflexes individualistic, ” notes a diplomat. One week before the european summit where divisions over the economic recovery plan will again appear, the message is clear: it is necessary to build a european solution to avoid everyone for the next time.

The editorial team conseilleLa european conversion of Angela Merkel in actesL’european Union tackles the biases monopolistic GafaUE: Brussels to re-open a “partial” of the external borders on 1 juilletSujetsEmmanuel MacronAngela MerkelEric MauriceEric MamerUnion européenneEuropeUECommission européenneCrise sanitaireCovid-19EpidémiePandémieCoronavirusVingt-Sept15 commentairesMuirle 10/06/2020 21:17

Very good idea

GUY DESROUSSEAUXle 10/06/2020 21:16

26, we the citizens of all the days, we will be able to see and hear the show !

dpotop1le 10/06/2020 21:15

It must not be forgotten that the Germans of today have the big potential of the test… But hey, it is finally a good idea…

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