The sensitivities of the American capital is highly disturbed. the Donald Trump is to the Turks that he was going to destroy their economy if they attacked the Kurds in Syria. A security consultant is looking for Due to a military confrontation with Iran, conniving meanwhile, the President is accused of, willingly or unwillingness to act occasionally as an Agent of Russian interests.

trump’s former rival, Hillary Clinton is back in the midst of the Chaos via Twitter and claimed that she had known it always, that Trump “a puppet” of Moscow. The President, in turn, must defend themselves in public that he had “never worked for Russia”.

James Jesus Angleton, the legendary counterintelligence chief of the CIA during the Cold war, would be shocked, so he could see what’s going on in Washington. The “blonde Ghost,” as the always pale Angleton was called, was in the Clutches of a deep-seated and of alcohol umnebelten Paranoia, and the lives of others ruined. Everywhere he saw Soviet agents, and for decades he suspected that Moscow had planted a spy in the CIA. Now Angleton would have to see how the President of the United States is defending against the suspicion of being a creature Vladimir Putin . The question then, Trump on Monday, was “shameful” that handle the alleged Russia-scandal is a “fraud”.

Trump has caused this mess for yourself

That the President is raging is understandable. In trouble now, but he has the soup itself. Who behaves like Donald Trump over the years as an admirer of Vladimir Putin and is trying to hide the content of discussions with the Russians, even from closest associates, such as the “Washington Post” reported on Saturday, in a credible, don’t be surprised if the Ghost of James Jesus Angleton rises.

The democratic opponents of the President are determined to learn more about his discussions with Putin – and you are ready to go to the Extreme. To find out whether Trump is “really believe in “America First”” would have to get his interpreter at the summit in Helsinki a subpoena, tweeted on Sunday Adam Schiff, the democratic Chairman of the intelligence Committee in the house of representatives.

In the Finnish capital were in addition to Trump and Putin is merely the interpreter, an American and a Russian. The confidentiality between Trump and his Translator should be broken, the interpreter prior to the ship’s Committee statements, what happened in July 2018 in a room in Helsinki.

Suddenly became conceivable, what, almost two and a half centuries of American history inconceivable: the commander-in-chief is the end of the armed forces, and the first man in the state, namely in the order or the interest of a hostile Power.

The President wants to win, although he loses

nothing, the next collective nervous Proved breakdown, but the capital is the latest in the first week of February in the house, when Trumps, is to testimonies of former Consigliere and lawyer Michael Cohen in front of a Committee in the house of representatives. The time of lying is over, he’s not “going to cover Trump,” announced Cohen. In March, he goes for three years behind bars, but he will give you an idea as Washington has, since the appearance of the dashing Colonel Oliver North during the Iran/Contra scandal in 1987, no longer experienced.

Trump’s shows, meanwhile, is adamant in the construction of its wall to Mexico, although the damage to the budget barrier from day-to-day is greater, and the electorate, the majority of him and his party to blame. The President wants to win, even though he loses.

Shows Mueller on Trump, will float Angletons spirit until right about Washington.

As a fixed Trump, that he invaded at the beginning of January, when negotiations with the Democrats, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to repeal the shutdown of his acting chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, as this suggested a compromise. “You have fucked this up,” went to Trump him in the presence of the two Democrats.

The nerve of the President are blank, it will get worse before it gets better. When Robert Mueller’s issued long-awaited report to the President Absolution, he must never deny it again in front of journalists, to put Vladimir Putin under a blanket. The special investigator shows, of course, with the Finger on Trump, will hover the spirit of James Jesus Angleton, a fortiori, about Washington.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 15.01.2019, 10:40 PM