Missed the one and one-half of the Saturday afternoon Washington time, it was known that the important office of chief of staff of the White House there will be a vacancy but it was not known who would occupy and whether it will be interim or permanent. Trump said that in “one or two days” to give a name.


John Kelly, the general favorite of Donald Trump Trump dropped the chief of staff and appointed by general Kelly in his place

During the summer, when there were rumors that Kelly could leave the White House, Trump insisted that the veteran general and he were “very well” and called his chief of staff as “a wonderful man”. Not helped then the publication of the book by Bob Woodward on the White House to Trump in which the veteran journalist wrote that Kelly considered the president “an idiot” in front of “a Management of crazy”.

In recent months, the role of Kelly has been blurring to the extent that the president followed his own compass, without allowing themselves to be advised by those who should be his man of confidence and the right hand side.

Kelly was the secretary of National Security Trump (whose mission was to stop illegal immigration and secure the borders) before taking the post of Reince Priebus as chief of staff of the White House in July of 2017. From the beginning, it was a strange couple. On the one hand, a military career that he considered the women “sacred”. On the other, a carefree business man become president of the most powerful nation in the world, that has ever worn a uniform, and that was recorded spoke of women in terms beyond what is derogatory.

The presidency of Trump seems to be taken every day of a bad chapter of his popular tv programme The apprentice, in Celtabet which resulted with the participants with his famous phrase: “you’re fired”. Of the last presidencies, the current is, with difference, which experiences a higher number of casualties. If you include secretaries or advisors, about thirty charges have resigned or been dismissed in his 20-month duration. The White House adds already the fifth head of communication and third National Security adviser. If we exclude the vice-presidency, Defense, Treasury and Justice, all key areas have changed. The majority of departures are due to the desire of Trump to alter his politics or scandals.

just a month Ago Trump liquidaba the attorney general of the united STATES, Jeff Sessions, when it was obvious that both protagonizaban a battle nothing disguised by the research of the weft Russian, which explores the interference of the Kremlin in the presidential elections of 2016 and tries to establish whether there was collusion on the part of the entourage of the president in such a ploy and a possible crime of obstruction of justice. The past month of may Kelly stated to the public radio that work in the White House was the “most difficult” he had ever done.

In the political atmosphere of Washington circulated the version of that Trump believed that his chief of staff he was hiding information, and that often contradicted on issues, minor or major. Kelly felt that the president neither valued nor understood his work, and some media say that he stated “I don’t have to put up with this,” to receive the criticism of the representative. Who was called to organize a White House very dysfunctional ended up having the same type of relationship with the president that so many members of your environment.

Nick Ayers, the young head of Cabinet of 36-year vice-president Mike Pence, is the first name that experts cite as a possible replacement for Kelly, because it works with the same parameters casual that spends Trump and that you want for your day-to-day politics. Without a doubt, a military with 45 years of service was not the best choice for a mission that seems almost impossible: to bring order in the White House.