The leader of the opposition Democrats in the house of representatives is against impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump . Without a “compelling” reason, such an approach should be prohibited, since it would divide the country, said Pelosi in a Monday post Interview with the “Washington Post”.

With their statements, is likely to attract Pelosi the displeasure of many members of his own party who are vehemently for the so-called Impeachment. Pelosi had expressed in the past, reluctant to a possible impeachment proceedings against Trump. In such specific Form as it is now, you not spoke out yet.

“I’m not for the Impeachment,” said Pelosi in the newspaper interview. This procedure had such a “divisive” impact on the country that the Congress should take this route only if it’s “give it compelling” and “overwhelming” reasons and it will be supported by cross-party consensus. Trump is such an approach “is simply not worth it,” said the opposition chief, who is also Chairperson of the house of representatives.

decision lies with the Senate

The Democrats have since the beginning of the year, the majority in the Congress chamber, and to decide it in the Hand, on the possible initiation of impeachment proceedings. The simple majority vote in the house of representatives. The decision on dismissal of the President but the Senate, where trump is the Republicans still have a narrow majority. For the displacement a two-thirds majority in this chamber is required.

Currently, there seem to be no realistic chances for a dismissal Trumps. However, since the partial victory of the Democrats in the congressional elections in November has increased the debate to such an approach.

final report Mueller’s as a basis

the debate is also fueled by the speculation of a possible imminent conclusion of the work of special investigator Robert Mueller. The Ex-chief of the Federal police, the FBI investigated since may of 2017, possible illegal collusion between Trump’s staff and Moscow in the election campaign of 2016, as well as the suspicion that Trump could later, as President, have the investigation of the Russia-hinder contacts tried.

The final report Mueller’s could provide, he should provide strong evidence for a possible illegal behavior of the President, in theory, the basis for Impeachment. So far, however, there is no evidence to suggest that the special investigator has found such clear evidence.

Parallel to the Mueller investigation was initiated by the Democrats in the house of representatives to conduct a comprehensive investigation of any missing Trumps. The clamping width of the from the judiciary Committee, launched the investigation ranges from the Russia-contacts about possible obstruction of Justice, up to the possible abuse of the President for private business interests. (sep/AFP)

Created: 11.03.2019, 23:20 PM