US President Donald Trump toying with this at the hearings for one of the Democrats intended impeachment to self-testify. “I like the idea,” let Trump know on Monday via short message service Twitter. Although he had done nothing wrong, he’ll pull out this possibility strongly into consideration, “so that the Congress can re-focus”.

The President of the house of representatives, Nancy Pelosi, had placed a Trump on Sunday in an Interview with the CBS network, to respond personally to the accusations, “if the President has information that his innocence in all the show”. This could also be done in writing.

Use in his investigations?

the trigger for the Democrats hard the procedure was to call Trumps with the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Selenskyj on 25. July. In it, Trump had encouraged Selenskyj to investigations against his political rivals Joe Biden of the Democrats and his son Hunter because of alleged involvement in corruption. Otherwise, he threatened, aid for the Ukraine to hold back. The Democrats are currently examining whether there is sufficient evidence of an abuse of power.

Trump has branded the investigation repeatedly as a “witch hunt” against him. However, he continues at the same time, the fact that this research could benefit him in the race for re-election in 2020, rather. In surveys, it is mainly Democrats who are in favour of an impeachment. Trumps Republicans rally against the President. Biden is applying for the candidacy of the Democrats and could be in the choice of Trumps Challenger. (reuters/red)

Created: 18.11.2019, 15:48 PM