BERLIN – Studies with simple but modern, presenting elegant. News, talk show, rock music in the schedule. At first glance, the television broadcaster, the private Budapest Dikh TV it does not seem anything particular. Instead, it is a sensational news: this is the first and only television network in the roma language in the Country ruled by the charismatic, autocratic premier sovranista Viktor Orbán . Dikh TV (dikh in rom means “look”) according to its founder, Elek Balogh, 48 years old, wants to “transmit the language, culture, daily life and traditions of the roma people, to the largest possible number of viewers”.

The transmissions are in drive, but not only. The rom, that are about 7.5 percent of the population census in Hungary, according to the international ngo and that of the associations rom magyar, are the object of systematic discrimination and rashes, and campaigns of hatred motivated by racist ideas, on the part of the members of the elected majority and the vast majority of the media landscape, directly or indirectly, controlled by political power or by the oligarchs that support. The situation in the media is at the moment very bad for the roma of Hungary, as observed in a precise reportage colleagues in the Afp. Says Balogh: “There are radio and tv programmes in the roma language, but only in the early hours of the morning, when people are working or at school.” The level of discrimination is such that the premier in person, according to the judgment of the judiciary by him ignored, should pay a compensation amounting to 300 thousand euros for the roma of the town of Gyongyospata. Which have won a case against the authorities who had sued for racial discrimination through exclusion from access to the school system or by the diplomas.

Too many roma, about 80 percent of the total, living below the poverty level, and the majority among their young people interrupted his studies. Balogh wants to tell their stories with reportage and with a serial that tells the tough life of a normal family rom Hungarian grappling with the constant risk of bankruptcy, unemployment and absolute poverty. Several times a week, the director of Dikh TV receives phone calls, letters and e-mails threatening anonymous racist, but not julie. It has taken twenty young roma, including children excluded from school without any diploma. The boys, offering volunteers to build studies and organize programs, they are learning a craft and you are back to active life. “We want to create a generation of roma educated and intellectuals,” explains the 26-year-old Fruzsina Balogh, host of the tip of the tv challenge Orbán.

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Carlo Verdelli SUBSCRIBERS TO REPUBLIC © Reproduction reserved Today “Well Patrick,” The rector of Bologna calls together the vertices: “very serious Case” Di Maio: “in Cairo, we need an ambassador. For Zaky, and to Giulio,” Primary Uses, the dem americans remain divided between the radical left and moderate, “Ready for the revolution?” So Sanders has persuaded the young

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