Theresa May is not willing to Gibraltar is the rock that runs out to defeat your agreement Brexit with the EU. The first minister raised this Thursday, her tone when referring to this matter, during his speech in the House of Commons, and adviritió to Pedro Sanchez that “british sovereignty over Gibraltar will be protected” and that the future pact “will apply to the entire family of United Kingdom”.

May he explicitly referred to the telephone conversation he had with Sanchez in the last few hours. “I was absolutely clear with him in this regard”, he said, although he wanted to highlight the good tone until the last hour had been maintained in negotiations with the Government of Madrid. “We have worked constructively with the Governments of Spain and Gibraltar in the negotiations on the agreement of exit and we are confident that this spirit may continue well in the future relationship,” May said.

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The Government of Sanchez, for his part, seems unwilling to reduce its firmness. The secretary of State for the EU, Marco Aguiriano, clearly upset by the inclusion of the article of the discord, the 184, in the disengagement agreement that London has agreed with the European Commission. That text was added “with premeditation and night “, he said in an appearance before the parliamentary committee on community affairs, dedicated this Thursday the Brexit.

despite the criticisms, Aguiriano gave some clues about how to get out of the mess without blocking the acueroo with London. The secretary of State referred to the guarantees -moment verbal – that have offered legal services of the Commission and the Council that this article would not undermine the Spanish position with regard to Gibraltar. “That requires clarification. If we say that there is no risk, write it down. Simply “. Indicated as well Aguiriano that Spain might be satisfied with any addendum of the legal services to the main text. The other option threatens to upset Brussels. “You can stop the clock and to convene another summit,” he suggested.

The threat of Spain vetoing the covenant on the Brexit has not been achieved up to now no result. European negotiators of the Agreement of exit and the Political Declaration on the future relationship with the United Kingdom Dinamobet have ignored the complaints raised by the Government of Sánchez, which ensures that the text agreed does not recognize categorically that Spain will always have the last word on the future relationship of Gibraltar with the EU.

“most of The delegations would prefer that Spain and Uk to resolve bilateral basis the issue with the help of the European Commission”, said a diplomatic source after discovering that the Political Declaration contains no reference to the claim of Spanish over Gibraltar.

Spain, according to diplomatic sources, has also received a estacazo legal to their arguments. The legal services of the European Commission and the European Council have coincided, according to those sources, in that the departure Agreement does not prejudge anything about Gibraltar or deprives Spain of nignún right future. The blow, far from reassuring the Spanish delegation has inflamed still more the minds.

The frustration and anger of the Spanish Government has gone over in the last few hours and several sources agree that the Spanish delegation has raised the tone to a level unusual for the closed-door meetings of the Ambassadors permanent Union. The Spanish representative, according to those sources, accused the rest of partners, in particular Germany, lack of solidarity with Spain in a problem of sovereignty for a country that within just four months shall be non-eu.

Theresa May has not ceased to repeat in recent months that the agreement was closed with the European Commission had necessarily to preserve “the territorial integrity of the United Kingdom”. Referred specifically to the possibility suggested by Brussels and rejected by London to establish customs controls between Northern Ireland and the island. But Gibraltar is a matter that turns on also the feelings most nationalist of the british conservatives, who have not willingly accepted the threats of Sanchez to veto the agreement of the Brexit if you do not submit any future agreement over the Rock to a bilateral negotiation between the two Governments.