The two have negotiated in the nineties, the Oslo agreement, which should bring the solution for the middle East conflict, and the Palestinians a state of their own: The Israeli Yossi Beilin, and the Palestinians Saeb Erekat. The two chief negotiators have in common that they make, according to the latest statement from the US foreign Minister to Worry about the peace process. Mike Pompeo said, the settlements of Israelis in the occupied West Bank would not be violated, per se, against international law (read more about it here).

“There are just a formula for peace, for equality.”Saeb Erekat, the Palestinian chief negotiator,

The 71-year-old Beilin’s view, “nothing will change on the ground”. Because it is not the question of the legal Status of the settlements, but rather: “What is the reason to have Israeli settlements in the middle of a Palestinian state? The question is whether it is wise?” He gives himself the answer: “it’s stupid!” The settlers that settled in the West Jordan country, would have no need for confirmation: “you have been calling night and day now the annexation.” The new U.S. Position might be “a kind of encouragement for these claims,” seen, says the former Foreign and justice Minister.

settlements create facts

The 64-year-old Erekat befüchtet a dramatic deterioration of the Position of the Palestinians in the West Bank: “The settlers steal now Land and water of the Palestinians. Trump wants Israel annexed even more of our country. What is left for the Palestinians?” He calls for a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders.

Israel conquered the West Bank in the six day war in 1967 from Jordan and occupied. In contrast to the, at the time, also conquered the Golan heights and East Jerusalem, it has not annexed the West Bank. Israel, however, began soon after the occupation, the settlements create. The development of the large part of the international community regards as illegal, because the Geneva Convention forbids an occupying power to transfer parts of its own civilian population into occupied territory. But for years, the governments in Israel, the settlements and create facts.

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internationally, there was criticism of the change of course: Both the German Ministry of foreign Affairs as well as the EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini made it clear that they areas of the Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinians continue to be illegal to classify.

the United States had not set in 1978, in a legal opinion to the fact that civilian settlements in occupied territories are consistent with international law. On this basis, the US governments have criticised the settlement policy is not repeated. Ex-foreign Minister, John Kerry had referred to the settlements as “illegal”, what will be the successor to Pompeo criticized now. Legal issues related to settlements, the Israeli courts should clarify.

Gantz is in favour of peace

Beilin is of the view that the two sides could quickly some: “solutions and proposals for compromise are there, everything is there for an agreement. We don’t need for a degree too much time.” In Oslo and at subsequent conferences of the interim agreement had been established with the aim that the Israel-administered territories, will be gradually handed over to the Palestinians, and in a permanent agreement, lead – that didn’t happen. “It was a hard blow,” says Beilin. For him, Oslo is not a process but still dead.

Agree Beilin and Erekat are in the evaluation that is to be expected under Netanyahu made no progress in the peace process: “Netanyahu relies on the theft of land, occupation, annexation and settlements. What the Israelis and the Palestinians really need is peace. There is only one formula: equality,” says Erekat.

According to the assessment of Beilin, it will give the Palestinians the negotiations, should Benny Gantz will soon be Prime Minister. The period of the top candidate of the blue-and-white-party Alliance to form a government expires on Wednesday at midnight. “There is no question that this man is in favour of peace are much stronger than Netanyahu. I am sure that he would seriously negotiate with the Palestinians,” says Beilin. Not chosen him. “But you should give him a Chance.”

Created: 19.11.2019, 20:06 PM