item 21 PM reported Tucker Carlson as each day of the week last Thursday. On Rupert Murdoch’s right-hand wheel channel Fox News of the successful TV-presenter devoted himself to his favorite theme: the influx of migrants. Always Carlson takes an extremely hard line, so hard that Donald trump’s inability to build the wall on the border with Mexico, and regularly annoys.

On Thursday showed Carlson to its audience recordings of garbage, the migrants from Central America, allegedly at the border had left. Then he shot himself – on the Left and the immigrants. The Left claimed that the US had “a moral obligation to the poor of the world are let in, even if it makes our country poorer and dirtier and we split,” said Carlson.

Carlson’s Statement that he drew the displeasure of advertisers. (Video: Fox News/Youtube)

in The broadcasting segment ended with a commercial life insurer and provider of financial services Pacific Life. There was not built: According to Carlson’s comment about dirty migrants would be in place “in the coming weeks,” no more ads in his mission and to examine, in the meantime, “our relationship”. Already in October, the online had cancelled provider its advertising with Carlson on the ground that the consignment polarized “,” now other companies are following suit.

16 companies want Carlson more

Carlson showed unimpressed and pushed on Monday at the usual transmission time: He will not prohibit the mouth of the Left. “We will not allow ourselves to be intimidated, we also have next and until the last day, to tell the truth,” thundered the leader. The trendy liberal media observers had fueled the Boycott actually, even celebrities such as Hollywood producer Judd Apatow were up in arms. Carlson’s remark about the migrants dirt was “hurtful, dehumanizing and racist,” tweeted Apatow.

The Fox presenter, in turn, the campaign against him is felt as an attack on freedom of expression: “If you can force yourself to keep your mouth shut, you will do it,” he tweeted.

On Wednesday but there were already 16 companies no longer wanted to advertise in Carlson, including the pancakes restaurant chain IHOP. “We welcome people of different origins and faiths in our Restaurants welcome and pay attention constantly to the fact that our advertising reflects our values,” explained the company’s withdrawal.

Fox News stands behind Carlson

While Fox News was able to bring the cancelled Spots so far in other programmes, so that the cable channel for the time being, no financial losses are incurred. But Carlson warned: Two in the case of conservative viewers of the popular Fox News shows, the presenters, Glenn Beck and Bill O’reilly were also discontinued because the sponsors had withdrawn. And as a Fox-News-Talkerin Laura Ingraham in March, a Survivor of the massacre at the Parkland school in Florida mocked, she lost a massive advertising spots, until you apologized for the derailment.

Fox News turns to another behind Carlson: “We will not allow voices like Tucker Carlson by intimidation of left-wing organizations censored” so the channel. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 21.12.2018, 17:31 PM