the PANAMA – Seven people were killed during a religious ritual of the community Ngäbe-Buglé, in the jungle in Panama: five children barely a year old, the mother, pregnant, and a neighbor of 17 years.

Some natives were gathered from about 10 preachers in a kind of “church” improvised inside a ranch where he operates a religious sect known as “The new light of God”. Were tortured, beaten, burned, hit with the machete with the purpose of making them “repent of their sins”.

The police managed to free up 14 members of the community: they were still alive, but had been bound and beaten with clubs and bibles. The area is so remote that transporting the wounded in the hospitals, are due to intervene the helicopters. Among these, there were at least two pregnant women and some children.

The tomb with the bodies was discovered about two kilometres away from the “church”, had been dug recently. the , Ricardo Miranda , the leaders of the semi-autonomous of the Ngäbe-Buglé known as the Comarca, has called the sect “satanic”.

was The local prosecutor Rafael Baloyes to describe the scene chilling that found themselves facing the agents when they made their way through the hills covered with jungle to the remote communities of the Ngäbe-Buglé, near the caribbean coast.