The cruelty and the increase of cases of femicide in Peru coincides this week with the repudiation of a congressman from the opposition denounced by groping a flight attendant last month. The Ethics Commission of the Congress quoted this Friday at the crew to interrogate her about what happened, but, after the session, the victim said in a television program felt attacked when asked why he did not face the aggressor. According to the figures of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations during the year in Peru there have been 132 fatalities, 11 more than in 2017.


Latin America, the region’s most deadly for women, The UN calls on Mexico to criminalize feminicide

last Saturday, Nancy Giraldo, 50, was killed after alert your teen to get away from the killer. Wednesday, 28, the young Andrea Rivera died at the hands of their partner that cut off the neck with a knife, in the presence of their two children. Was only 25 years old. The previous week, the image of a baby of two years old, watching his mother lying on the floor, after being hit in the Ica region, shocked the country. The woman had reported the man for physical aggression and psychological and had an order of protection, but not served because they were living under the same roof.

A report from the office of the Ombudsman, published this Monday, reveals that only 20% of the 296 Centers of Emergency Woman, the establishments of the Ministry of Women that address gender-based violence cases, is open 24 hours a day, every day, despite the fact that assaults can occur at any time. 43% of these institutions Dinamobet “do not give supply to meet the demand of legal attention. The psychological care is insufficient in 30% of the centres and the social assistance is insufficient in 39%”. In 68% of establishments only one person is responsible for answering legal queries.

The report reveals, also, that 37% of schools do not have hygienic services to the users and only 17% “there is a room for the care of boys and girls, despite the fact that most of the users who come are adult women of reproductive age”. The report also conducted a survey of 386 users, to which 81% answered that they received clear information.

Double victim of the Congress

Despite the fact that the increase of cases of violence against women has generated in the last two years changes in the rules in order to define the best offences –such as harassment– or increase the aggravating and the years of sanction, the actions of the parliamentarians fujimoristas in the case of the hostess who was going against the tide.

The congressman of the party fujimorista Fuerza Popular Moses He pleaded not guilty on charges of “fondling and libidinous behaviour without consent” and said that maybe was the product of an “imbalance”, after placing the baggage in an overhead compartment. A medical report performed just descended from the airplane revealed that there was no symptom of patient of diabetes –as he had stated– and the evidence of insulin immediate failed. The advisor of the bed of Popular Force Martha Chavez considered that the aircraft “are common fondles and strokes”, subtracting value to the complaint that made the crew of Latam in the police station of the airport of Lima.

The victim of Mamani told that he had gone to the Ethics Commission of the Congress to “support them” with the investigation, but he repented of having gone for the treatment they received. “I came out worse than I went in: I was attacked by a woman over all. ‘Why don’t afrontaste?’, I said. My reaction was to scream and hide, each person reacts in a different way,” said the hostess referring to the parliamentary Milagros Salazar, fujimorista as Mamani.

The Ethics Commission will discuss the case of the parliamentary the afternoon of this Monday, and recommend his suspension for 120 days and pass the record to the subcommittee on allegations constitutional for the Office to continue the investigation.