After 13 years as President of Bolivia, Evo Morales has declared on Sunday his resignation. He had sent the Parliament a letter of resignation, said the left leader in a televised address on Sunday. “Our big wish is that peace returns,” he said. Also his Vice President, Álvaro García Linera, resigned. The resignation was apparently a result of pressure from the military and police after weeks of unrest.

Morales later spoke on Sunday night of a coup against him. He was in an address to his opponents, which could not be instigated in his words, “citizens coup”. With reference to the ongoing political tensions Morales later explained on Twitter that the police have an “illegal” arrest warrant against him and that “violent groups” had attacked his house.

Mexico wool to grant Morales asylum, said the Mexican foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard on Twitter. His country had included in its representation in the Bolivian La Paz 20 members of the local government and of the Parliament.

Prior to his resignation on Sunday, announced by Morales ‘ election and after the controversial vote three weeks ago. As a result, the Situation has not calmed down. The commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Williams Kaliman, and the chief of police, Vladimir Calderón Mariscal, occurred independently of each other on Sunday in front of the cameras and called on Morales within the meaning of the peace to resign. The had previously done several opposition politicians, including Carlos Mesa, Morales on may 20. October was inferior.

Even former allies turned against him,

On the evening of the 20. October had it looked at first as Morales have not achieved the necessary ten percentage points gap to his rivals Mesa, imposed by the electoral law. Then the counting was stopped suddenly – whose arrangement is not clear. 24 hours later, it was called then, a runoff was unnecessary. Morales gave a speech in which he said it had served almost to victory.

Since then, the country is in turmoil. Even former allies among the indigenous groups and non-governmental organizations (NGO), had made Morales great, turned against him. The rise of his arch-enemies from the economic metropolis of Santa Cruz feel, however, where Morales was never popular. There, the white top layer has the Say, of the liberal conservative heard against candidate Carlos Mesa, who was already, once, from 2003 to 2005, President – Morales.

warning signs from the military

The vote in the election of the auditors of the OAS had been very clear: It could theoretically be that Bolivia’s President Evo Morales in the election on may 20. October got the most votes, it said in its report. However, it is extremely unlikely that he had really reached the necessary distance to second-placed Carlos Mesa. That should mean anything else, as The result, the Supreme electoral authority on the 21. October had notified, is wrong.

Large parts of the population had seen the previously similar, which is why in Bolivia for weeks, thousands protest. There have been Deaths in riots and street battles, town halls were mutinied demolished, election offices torched, police officers. The resignation claims on Morales piled up – on Sunday they even came from the military – a clear warning signs in Latin America, a Era is to.

Enough to be Rückrtritt to peace?

Along with Morales, several Cabinet Ministers and the President of the chamber of deputies, Víctor Borda, and the Head of the electoral Tribunal, María Choque Quispe resigned. The Prosecutor General’s office announced investigations against members of the election tribunals because of the irregularities in the election. The leader of the opposition, Luis Fernando Camacho brought in the midst of a huge crowd of people, a letter of resignation to Morales at the presidential Palace in La Paz. This proved to be a not more necessary.

Whether Morales’ would be sufficient for the withdrawal, to bring peace to the divided country, was on Sunday not foreseeable. Morales has yet owe is always a lot of supporters, especially in the Andean highlands, where the indigenous peoples live, the Evo Morales a lot. However, the number of his opponents is now bigger. It was on Sunday evening, reports of new violence, among other things, the house of the sister should have been fired by Morales, as reported by local media.

The police in Bolivia, has also taken dozens of members of the election Tribunal in the be irregularities in the disputed presidential election of responsible.

Created: 11.11.2019, 07:44 PM