The city of Rome has ordained this Tuesday the demolition of eight mansions built illegally in the neighborhood of Quadraro, in the eastern periphery of the Italian capital and belonging to the mafia clan Casamonica, one of the most powerful of the city. This criminal group came in the seventies and since then it has expanded with the sale of drugs and usury to seize control of a considerable part of the territory-based threats. The office of the prosecutor antimafia estimated that its heritage revolves around 100 million euros. The baroque mansions, the cars of large displacement, extortion, intimidation and exorbitant and arrogant display of luxuries and splendors have been a constant in his career. Also the feeling of impunity.

About them I weighed an order of eviction and collapse for a long time, but until now no one had given the order to execute it. When the officers entered, early in the morning, in the mansions found with a panoramic view that could resemble a movie set —in fact, the series Suburra is inspired by the clan— eccentric: golden statues of horses, tigers and leopards, cribs imperial style, and frescoes on the walls, busts of marble, gold pouring and in all parts, supported by doric columns at the entrance of the kitchen and all kinds of luxurious furnishings. Or at least in appearance, as pointed out by Antonio Di Maggio, chief of the municipal police in rome.

“Today is a historic day for the city of Rome and the romans”, wrote in Facebook the mayor Virginia Raggi, who was a witness of the eviction operation that deployed over 600 troops to the municipal police. “We have put an end to years of lawlessness and sent a strong signal to the crime and the clan Casamonica,” he added. The sarpanch, the agents and the journalists have been met with jeers and insults by the residents of the villas. “We could have been warned, here there are also many children”, they complained.

The clan began to lift the houses, illegally, in the nineties, the years following were evicted and later Betvole reoccupied. Covering a total area of some 2,000 square metres and are built in a land with limitations of archaeological, landscape and railway. In fact, one of the mansions was only two meters away from the train tracks and the other, under a stretch of the roman aqueduct Felice.

MORE INFORMATION Territory ‘Ndrangheta: The multinational of the crime, “Berlusconi had been chartered by the mafia for years.”

With time, were spreading its tentacles to reach every corner of the district, and succeeded in weaving a web of criminal with which to intimidate the rest of the neighbors. In fact, for the bemusement of the judges, the Casamonica have not received a single complaint. In one of the intercepts of the Carabinieri that led to the arrest of 33 representatives of the clan last July, listening to a member of the band brag about it. “I don’t know anyone on the face of the earth who dares to declare war on us in Rome, because he knows that will lose,” he says.

“The clan of the Casamonica had replaced the State with the constitution of a sort of parallel State that had terrorized the citizens. Honest citizens need to know that institutions are at your side,” said Raggi at the press conference on which has informed that the demolitions began this Tuesday and will be completed within 30 days. “The State has been absent and has been truly away from some areas of Rome”, he added. The mayor has also said that the decision to intervene comes after a long and complex judicial process. “The villas illegal were there and no one had had the courage to proceed. Some procedures had been completed, but have been for months in the bottom of a drawer, in silence,” he said. When reporters asked what prevented him from taking action, the mayor has fired: “it’s Probably the political will which gives impulse.”

the minister of The Interior, Matteo Salvini, has also been present in the area from eviction this Tuesday and has commented that “the demolition of the mansions of the Casamonica, scheduled from many years ago, it is a good sign, and we’re only at the beginning. For criminals, ended the good life.”

The Casamonica walked out canlı bahis siteleri of the circle of the Italian capital, and were placed in the spotlight international in 2015 with the ostentatious funeral of one of the patriarchs, Vittorio Casamonica. A float decked out, pulled by horses, walked to his coffin through the streets of Rome while a helicopter dropped rose petals. They are an organization up to now waterproof which is based on close family ties and have never been convicted for mafia, in spite of its structure and its modus operandi are consistent with those of a criminal organization mafia.