Qassem Soleimani, 62 years and over since 1998 the forces of the Quds , that is, the special units of the iranian revolutionary guards. A legendary figure: in charge of all the operations abroad of Tehran, and strategic reference point of the ayatollahs. The man who has reshaped the geopolitical scenarios in the Middle East in favor of Iran. So much so that the ex-Cia agent John Maguire, had called him “the person operating the most powerful in the Middle East”.

In the last twenty years Soleimani has practically signed all the most important “wins” the military of Iran. And to say that up to the tragic September 11, 2001, was considered very reliable by the u.s. Administration, so as to gain credit as the point of reference to Use in the fight against the afghan Taliban. But the fall of the twin towers, and the inclusion of Iran, on the part of the Bush administration in the so-called “axis of evil” had radically changed the cards on the table, and from that day the fixed thinking of the iranian general was to inflict fatal blows to the enemy of Washington. Even more so when the commander-in-chief has become Donald Trump.

The commander of the Pasdaran has made in the time also a strong link with Hezbollah, the armed shiite lebanese to whom he has provided support, weapons and money. With Hezbollah Soleimani has kept Assad in power in Syria while maintaining a very strong control of Damascus, with the friends of Russian that the iranian general never cease to be. With the command of Soleimani troops in iran and iraq have halted the advance of Isis, and it is thanks to these last operations, the charisma of the general, especially in the homeland, had grown immensely. So as to become a real star in Iran with millions of followers on his account Instagram.

For its supporters as for its detractors, Soleimani, who has played an important role in the fight against the forces of the international was the key man of iranian influence in the Middle East, where he strengthened the weight diplomat in Tehran, in particular of Iraq and Syria, two countries where the United States is engaged militarily. “For shiites in the Middle East, is a mix of James Bond, Erwin Rommel, and Lady Gaga,” wrote former CIA analyst Kenneth Pollack in his portrait of Soleimani for the american magazine Time dedicated to the 100 most influential people in the world in 2017. To the West, was in charge of having exported the islamic Revolution in Iran and of having supported the terrorists. In Iran in the midst of an economic crisis was considered a hero and many had suggested to embark on the political scene. But the iranian general, until a few weeks ago, he had continued to reject the rumours according to which he could apply to the presidential elections of 2021.

A high-ranking official in iraqi, some time ago, it was described as a man, calm and talkative. “Is sitting on the other side of the room, alone, with a lot of calm. Does not speak, does not comment on: listen only,” he said to the correspondent of the New Yorker. According to a study published in 2018 by IranPoll and from the University of Maryland, 83% of iranians surveyed had a favorable opinion of Soleimani, superior even to that of president Rohani and minister Zarif. His run ended in the night, near the airport of Bagdad.

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