Russia’s war against Ukraine has pushed gas prices up in Europe, making it more costly for truckers to fill up.

Friday also saw scores of farmers riding tractors slowly down a main road in Madrid, protesting the “brutal rise” in fuel prices as well as the low prices they still receive for their farm produce. Madrid region farmers complained that fertilizer prices have risen by around 30%, much of it from Ukraine in the past.

After 12 hours of negotiations that ended at midnight with truckers, Spain’s Socialist government announced that it will discount 0.20 euros per Liter of Gas (the equivalent to $.83 per Gallon) as part of a package worth over 1 billion Euros ($1.1 billion). Truckers can currently get a liter of fuel for around 1.80 euros, which is equivalent to $7.50 per gallon.

Raquel Sanchez, Spanish Transport Minister, stated that the discount would result in savings of approximately 700 euros ($771 per month per truck). According to the government, it will also provide 450 million euro ($495million) in financial assistance for road haulage companies as well as special credit terms.

The Platform for the Defense of the Road Transport Sector (a non-affiliated group with Spain’s largest national trucking associations and road haulage companies) called for its members to continue the strike and to participate in Friday’s street protest in Madrid.

The group stated that it will not compromise its demands which extend beyond gas prices. The group claims large distribution companies are engaging in unfair competition, driving down freight prices. It is also seeking better working conditions for truckers, including the right to retire at 60.

“After 12 days, it’s not going to be over.” “It’s now, or never,” said the Platform on its Facebook page.

Truckers’ strikes have disrupted supply chains, causing shortages of fresh produce such as fish, milk, and vegetables. Police have taken thousands of picketers to jail for trying to stop truckers from working and escorted them around in truck convoys.