Australia by the christmas island does not see snow or reindeer. Still, its nature is miraculous.The rain forest wandering is one of christmas island’s attractive. AOP
surrounded by coral Reefs, christmas island found in the middle of the Indian ocean. The Australian administration in the island is situated approximately 1500 kilometres from australia’s west coast, and its nearest neighbor is 360 miles away floating Andave. The island landscape is dominated by rainforests and sandy beaches, and its rainy season starts in December.
the Island to find small sandy beaches where the other is not a distraction. AOP
Christmas name comes from the fact that the british captain William Mynor find the island on christmas day in 1643 and named it time. Christmas island began, however, live only in the 1800s. The island’s official language is English, but its teachers have come from different parts of the world: for example, Europe, Australia and Malaysia. The majority of residents are of chinese origin. In all, the island is home to around 2,000 people. In addition, the island is to Australia seeking refugee reception centre, which residents are not included in the permit.
punarapu of the hike is the island’s natural wonder. However, it falls until after christmas time. AOP
many women also seen in the residents of the religions: the christmas island is so buddhist, taoist, confucian as the other chinese temples, and christian churches and muslim mosques. The island is celebrated in many religious celebrations and festivals, such as christmas.
christmas island is located in the Indian ocean. AOP
tourists arriving on the island however, before all nature, because of: up to 63% of christmas island’s surface area is national park. Because people have not lived on the island long, is in its nature well-preserved and unique. The christmas island rainforest you can admire, say, exotic birds, such as the christmas island frigate bird. The island is also known as the annual punarapu of the tour, which usually takes place in January-February. Christmas island can also play golf, fish and go diving and enjoy the beaches.
christmas island is from finland on a direct flight. More conveniently achieve it from Indonesia or from Australia: the island has regular air connections from perth, western Australia and Indonesia Jakasta.
christmas island no need to dodge the reindeer. Instead of those road signs warning about the crabs. AOP
Sources: beach ball, christmas island tourist office
Diving is a popular pastime on christmas island. AOPPunarapuja can meet up on the golf course. AOP