The aircraft of Lion Air crashed off the coast of Indonesia at the end of last October, a loss that killed 189 people, should have stayed on earth, having suffered a technical problem on a previous flight, said Wednesday the Committee of National Transport Safety (KNKT). “During the flight from Denpasar to Jakarta”, previous to the fatal outcome, “the machine suffered a technical problem, but the pilot decided to continue the flight,” said Nurcahyo Utomo, head of the agency.

contact with the aircraft was lost within 13 minutes after launch from the airport of Jakarta, when he was heading north towards the town of Pangkal Pinang, and after that the pilot had asked permission to return to the aerodrome due to a problem on the device. In the preliminary report based on the flight data of one of the black boxes revealed the pilots attempted to correct on more than 30 occasions the automatic descent of the nose of the plane, caused by erroneous data from the Dumanbet sensors, before falling against the sea.


An airplane of Lion Air crash in Indonesia, with 189 people on board photo gallery in The crash of a plane in Indonesia in pictures

The Boeing 737 Max 8 Lion Air fell on the 29th of October in the Java sea a few minutes after having taken off from Jakarta. “In our opinion, the plane was not in flying conditions, and should not have continued” to do so, stated the responsible of the research.

The indonesian authorities to investigate the operational protocols of the plane, a Boeing 737 Max 8. Nurcahyo Utomo said at a press conference that they have found in the manual of the model mentions of the automatic system that enters into operation if the aircraft does not carry enough speed to stay in the air. “Why not put the information in the manual, including the Federal Aviation Administration that approved?”, he asked. Utomo has assured, however, that “it is too soon” to determine if the operation of the system of prevention of loss of aircraft Boeing 737 Max 8 of the company’s low-cost Lion Air that crashed in the Java sea helped cause the loss.

In its preliminary report, the agency, indonesia, highlighted that the airline should strengthen its security measures. This document, published a month after the accident, does not reveal the causes still, but moves forward the lines of research.