The dispute over the signing of the pact of migration sponsored by the United Nations is threatening to jump into the air the four party coalition that governs Belgium. The right flemish nationalist N-VA, training with the most votes in the country, refuses to sign the agreement despite their non-binding character. In front, the liberal French-speaking prime minister, Charles Michel, have made it clear that Belgium shall affix his signature in the same as he promised to do.


Belgium, or how, without Government we do not live so badly The migratory agreement becomes the new battleground populist

After a fruitless negotiations to convince its partners of Government, the representative belgian has opted to continue on without your consent. And to give legitimacy to the decision, has carried the matter to the belgian Parliament, on Wednesday adopted in the commission’s adherence to the pact with the support of several opposition parties, and today is expected to do the same for the full House. Michel insists that the endorsement of the deputies is enough for his country formally adopted the text in Marrakech next Monday and Tuesday. The N-VA does not believe the same, and threatens to drop the fragile quadripartite who runs the country if the Government joins the pact without your authorization.

The vulnerability is patent. Michel, of the reform Movement, sent with only 9.6% of the vote, the third force in the country, compared to 20.3% of the N-VA. The separatist flemish have been aligned in their refusal with other EU countries such as Hungary, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria, that don’t think to validate it. Outside of the community map, the united States, Israel and Australia have also unchecked the same.

The search for alternatives continues. The liberals offered to their flemish partners to add an interpretative statement to clarify some of its aspects, as have the Netherlands and Denmark, but the party flamenco has not changed an iota of his position. The agreement Tipobet of the United Nations sets 23 goals for a migration is safe, orderly and regulated. Among them the fight against the mafias who traffic in human beings, the defense of the rights of migrant workers, or a change of narrative about the migration towards a more positive approach.

Its defenders present it as a milestone of multilateralism. But the perception of the N-VA, as the chancellor of the austrian Sebastian Kurz, or his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orbán, is far from that definition. See the covenant as an intrusion of the UN on the sovereignty of States in matters of immigration. And its content clashes with its restrictive domestic policies.

In full political debate on the issue, the emergence of a campaign of xenophobic launched by the N-VA has stressed even more the rope. “Covenant of the United Nations on migration = access to social rights for clandestine immigrants”, you could read on a poster with four women wearing the veil. Their leaders recularon few hours later and withdrew the propaganda before the storm of criticism that he received.

The campaign is the latest symptom of the radicalization of the flemish nationalist to less than six months of the elections in belgium. The exabruptos of Theo Francken, the controversial owner of Immigration that offered asylum to the former Catalan Carles Puigdemont, before his arrival, have been the subject of criticism during all the legislature. The last one was two weeks ago, when he admitted that his immigration policy is inspired by the Vlaams Belang, a small group of extreme right-wing openly racist with a residual presence in the institutions in belgium.