Theresa May has had to endure this Thursday 40 minutes of harsh criticism in the Parliament before that a congressman would decide to praise in any way the policy statement closed with Brussels. All were harsh words and distrust of the text agreed, despite the efforts of the prime minister to convince the parliamentarians that the agreement was the best possible to safeguard the “national interest” of the United Kingdom. “The british people want us to close this issue once and for all,” May said. “You want a good agreement that set the direction towards a brighter future. Want that let us remain united and that we concentrate on other domestic matters more urgent. This agreement allows us to achieve this, and in the next 72 hours crucial I will do everything in my power to comply with the british people,” pleaded May to the end of its initial intervention.

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The leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, was employed with hardness to anticipate the intent of his training as a vote against the agreement when it comes to Westminster. “This agreement means cooked is the result of two years of negotiations chapuceras in which the red lines that the prime minister has imposed on itself have jumped and the resignations of ministers have piled. It is a vague menu of options. It is not a plan for the future and is not able to unite the country,” said Corbyn.

The biggest blow came to May’s mp, conservative Ian Duncan Smith. Perabet Historical leader of the party and a strong supporter of Brexit, Duncan Smith had words of praise towards May and recognized his efforts of the last few years by moving forward a great covenant of exit from the EU, but then suggested that the agreed text, of which Brussels does not want to practically change a comma, not serving him. “I hope that you keep in mind that none of this is going to work,” he said to May, “not to be that allows us to amend the agreement of withdrawal and to remove the safeguard irish”.

Recently resigned from his position, the former minister for the Brexit, Dominic Raab, he also felt free to express their criticism against May and her negotiating team. “This agreement leaves us without a voice or a veto over the future exit from the EU,” he said. Raab presented as a paradox that the desire of those who voted for the exit from the EU was precisely the fact that the United Kingdom gained control of their own destiny, “and is it not in the end an unfortunate reality and insurmountable that this agreement what it does is give even more control to Brussels?”, he asked.

Even the conservative mps favourable to the permanence of the Uk in the eu institutions expressed their rejection of the terms of an agreement, pointed out, it had nothing to do with the promises that were poured during the campaign of 2016. “Many young people of this country rejects it to be a good agreement. The only option that is fair for all of us is to check back to the citizens and to enable them to be they who have the last word,” said the former secretary of state of Education, Justine Greening, in favour of a second referendum.