Minister of defense Mark Esper, I asked Richard Spencer to his resignation, informed the Pentagon on Sunday evening. U.S. President Donald Trump had a few days ago, the withdrawal of the degradation of the Navy Seal soldier Eddie Gallagher, who had arranged a military court in July, in a process for allegations of war crimes. He had arranged also that Gallagher is not removed from the Elite unit.

investigators had accused Gallagher to have 2017 in Iraq, a wounded fighter of the terrorist militia IS stabbed to death and later his body is posing. He was also alleged to have shots on an unarmed man and a girl of attempted murder, guilty. In the military court proceedings, Gallagher was found only guilty of the body of the prisoner for a photo posing. He was demoted in his rank.

The U.S. Navy tested in accordance with the procedure, if Gallagher from the Navy Seals should be excluded. Trump – the President is the commander-in-chief of the U.S. armed forces – wrote last Thursday on Twitter, this isn’t going to happen. The “New York Times” reported that Spencer had threatened to resign, should Trump block the exclusion of Gallagher’s from the Elite unit. Spencer denied that there had been such a threat.

criticism of Trump

Spencer wrote in his US media has published a resignation letter to President Trump, he is leaving his post with immediate effect. “I can’t follow in good conscience, a command of which I believe he violated the sacred oath I had made in the presence of my family, my flag and my faith, to defend the Constitution of the United States.” It had become obvious that he parts with the President the same understanding of order and discipline.

Gallagher had accused Spencer on Sunday in the channel Fox News, in his case, interfered. “In all of the it’s just retribution,” said the soldier. He wanted to retire at the end of the month from the service – however, “with all the honor that I have earned”. Gallagher said he was “overjoyed” that Trump had used for him. Trump had not taken the middle of November, only Gallagher’s degradation, but also two war crimes accused soldiers pardoned. Critics accused him, in a dangerous way the military justice system to run under.


The Pentagon announced on Sunday evening, Esper have arranged that Gallagher in the Navy Seals remain. The Minister lost the trust in Spencer after this have spoken of him with the White house about the case of Gallagher’s. Spencer had proposed to the White house, Gallagher’s degradation to take back and to have him as a member of the Navy Seals leaving. The contradictory public Statements by Spencer. Spencer had admitted, to have his conversations with the White house in several Meetings with the Minister, not to the language.

The Pentagon reported more, a donor’s current Deputy, Thomas Modley will initially be managing the civilian head of the Navy. Esper have suggested Trump to pull the current U.S. Ambassador to Norway and former rear Admiral Kenneth Braithwaite for the Post in consideration.

Navy Seals gained worldwide notoriety, as a small unit of the force in may 2011, Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden in his hideout in Pakistan and killed. (roy/SDA)

Created: 25.11.2019, 03:44 PM