Two months before the start of the internal party meetings and primaries is completely open who will draw in November 2020 as a presidential candidate of the Democratic party in the election battle against Donald Trump. The large field of candidates is shrunk on the top, has established a Quartet, but a preliminary decision is not liked.

at the beginning of February the democratic base in the Midwest state of Iowa and then in new England, New Hampshire, the series of party meetings and primaries open is a clear favorite, there will not be even. The former Vice-President, Joe Biden, and the surprisingly strong mayor Pete Buttigieg represent in the group of the leaders of the moderate wings, while the two senators Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts), are included in the left-progressive wing.

the decision only in June 2020?

Since the summer has changed the ranking of the four Leading according to various surveys, several times, time Warren leads the field, let Biden, or even Buttigieg. The democratic Establishment in Washington and the party headquarters in individual States now fear that the first elections in the traditionally influential States of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada will bring in February, no decision.

Perhaps the party could then present only in may or June 2020 after a tough intra-party fight a politically and financially weakened presidential candidates. Donald trump’s election campaign Fund is already filled now bulging, especially since the President within the party liable have to make any serious competitors.

Currently, it is quite conceivable that Pete Buttigieg wins in Iowa or New Hampshire, Joe Biden, thanks to his continued strong support from African American voters in South Carolina and Sanders or Warren in the state of Nevada. The prospect of such stalemate is likely to have led the former New York mayor and multi-billionaire Michael Bloomberg for his recently announced candidacy.

Moderate Democrats fear a too strong jerk to the left will deter non-party voters in the middle.

The billionaire wants to sit out the first four decisions, and hopes that the current frontrunner will block each other. On “super Tuesday” in early March, if in 14 States, is elected, would the be moderate in force Bloomberg to the Leading position in an organization. However, this strategy requires that Joe Biden’s imploding candidacy previously. As long as the Ex-the Deputy can hold, in spite of his less than convincing performances in the area of democratic TV debates in the front of the field, slowed down the ascent also moderate competitors.

the democratic search for a presidential candidate is Complicated by the sociological and political spectrum of the party: African-Americans, Latinos, women and young voters back to form a ridge, something to the right of the middle of the democratic spectrum extends far to the left. Since 2016 has been moved to the base of the party to the left, a nationalized health care as well as free access to state-run universities have become political issues.

Moderate Democrats, however, fear a too strong jerk to the left will deter non-party voters in the middle. Remind you that since Franklin Roosevelt’s triumph in the 30s and the 40s of the 20th century. The skip of all democratic presidents, only Barack Obama has several times the 50-percent mark. And Obama, so your reminder to have a clear position in the political center.

Created: 03.12.2019, 18:26 PM