Emmanuel Macron recedes again to turn off the anger of the yellow vests. The cancellation of the increase of the rates for the fuel will no longer be provisional for the first six months of 2019, as the prime minister, Édouard Philippe, announced Tuesday. In an environment of confusion and nerves, the French Government fixed the Wednesday himself, and said that the cancellation will be extended throughout the year. It is the second rectification Macron and Philippe in 36 hours. And it is a victory for activists who wear the iconic garment is fluorescent. Or the yellow vests nor the opposition are satisfied with the concessions of the president.

There are a lot of antipolítica, even antiparlamentarismo, in the yellow vests, a transversal movement without leaders, program, or structures. Its success, so far, has been resounding.


The France empty which explains the ‘yellow vests’

Since the first protest of the 17th of November, they have achieved what in a year and a half had not been able to neither the political opposition nor the trade unions. Have been forced to turn back to Macron, the president had proposed to differentiate itself from the fickle ancestors, and to maintain the course of reforms undaunted to the minimum burst on the street. But the withdrawal has not been enough to quell the tempers of a movement that demands much more.

The co-workers Macron have already begun to suggest other concessions, in addition to the extension, throughout the 2019, the suspension of the rates to the fuel. That has not been uploaded throughout the year should provide clarity, according to the minister of the Ecological Transition, François de Rugy.

The reintroduction of the tax on wealth (ISF) could be a second step, although in the Council of Ministers the president the ruled. In the debate on the new measures in the National Assembly, the prime minister Philippe said that in 2019, a group of experts will make an assessment of the effects of the partial deletion, in 2017, of the ISF. Since the abolition of this tax, the president is charged with the label of “president of the rich”. It was his original sin.

The list of requests, which were expressed by the opposition in the National Assembly, increases day-to-day: a higher minimum wage; dissolution of the National Assembly and new general elections; a referendum on the policies and ecological tax; or directly to the resignation of Macron. And growing doubts about the ability of the president to implement the ambitious plan of reforms with which he was elected. Next on the agenda is the pension, and it becomes difficult to how Macron will be able to promote a reform of this depth if the rise of a few cents having provoked such a reaction.

it Is the revolt of the French middle class impoverished who live in small towns and medium-sized businesses. In this remote country, to a part of the ruling class in Paris, the social services have been reduced while the feeling of loss of purchasing power was consolidated. The increase of a few cents in the price of diesel is an added difficulty to get to the end of the month. The optimism that accompanied the victory of Macron in 2017 turned out to be a mirage.

it Was a France invisible until three weeks ago. Coordinated by means of social networks, and with the token weapon of the colorful vest in blaze, are now ubiquitous.

The Tempobet crisis, which Macron didn’t see coming, brings to the surface the tensions with the prime minister, Philippe. The Elysee Palace had not taken action, prior to the irruption of the yellow vests, an anger that comes from far away, but that is a common denominator in a scrap visceral to the president and his image of man elitist and disconnected from reality.

All of the parties of the opposition are sympathetic to the protest. Believe insufficient moratorium of six months on the rise of the tax on gasoline and diesel, scheduled for January 1, 2019, a tool tax to discourage the use of energy pollutants.

The presidential majority in the National Assembly made this Wednesday in an effort to parlamentarizar a pulse that is now unfolding in the street, social networks and television studios. By government initiative, and in accordance with article 50.1 of the Constitution, organized the debate on the “green taxation and its consequences on the purchasing power”, with a final vote that “do not assume [the] responsibility” of the Government, according to the article cited. That is to say, it was not a motion of confidence or of censure.

The most loose of the Republic in march, the president’s party, said the victory by 358 votes to 194. But the clarity of the result makes more striking the contrast between the correlation of forces in the Parliament and the street. Today the hegemony of parliamentary is not a guarantee of anything.

the hope of The French Government

The Elysée Palace, was seized on Wednesday at a polling institute BVA to maintain the hope that the revolt of the yellow vests will calm down in the next few days. The survey indicates that 70% of the French believe that the deferment of the tax on the fuel would justify the end of the movement of the yellow vests. This movement was born in November against the rise in fuel, but since then has added more claims. The calculation of the French Government is that, although the measure does not convince the activists, would serve to reduce the immense support that they enjoy among the citizenry.

The official message is that the president and Emmanuel Macron, to suspend for six months the rise in fuel, not change of political course, but only of the method. The objectives of the climate change and the economic and social reforms in France remain the same. But now, according to this argument, will be made in consultation with the parties, the trade unions, local governments, civil society and citizens. Also with the yellow vests. Macron has called on political parties, trade unions and employers to make “a call clear and explicit to calm”.

The difficulty of the government plans to exit from the crisis is that the protests threaten to spread to students, farmers or carriers. No longer are only the yellow vests who are mobilized. The next test for the Government and the yellow vests will be Saturday’s demonstration in Paris. The violence tarnished the last two. Macron can’t afford another weekend of chaos and destruction.