Macri announced that the G20 has reached an agreement to “revitalize the trade,” Thousands of people march against the G20 under a strong safety device photo gallery in The images of the G20 summit in Argentina

the united States led the march of the world towards integration. Spurred multilateral institutions. To a certain extent, created the reality in which we live today. This is finished. Donald Trump has managed to turn the first world power in one country alone, compared to all the others. This is reflected in the final declaration of the meeting of the Group of 20 (G20) in Buenos Aires: all, except Trump, claim that the Paris agreement to combat climate change is “irreversible”. The president of the united States agreed to sign the text, with the condition that specified that his country “reaffirms the decision of withdrawing from the Paris agreement”. “The multilateral system is in crisis,” admitted the president of France, Emmanuel Macron.

The G20, established in its current format makes it exactly 10 years ago, when the financial crisis threatened to paralyze the global economy, it starts to lose utility. Then, the leadership of Barack Obama to maintain the circulation of money (with great gifts for the banking and great sacrifices for the taxpayer), and prevented a similar collapse to that of 1929. But Trump is playing his own game. Seems to enjoy sabotaging the international meetings. Last year, in Hamburg, the G20 was barely able to issue a final statement vague and exempt from new ideas or projects of importance. At least they were filled with ten sheets of paper. This weekend, in Buenos Aires, the meeting has generated a text of four pages, which is impressive for its emptiness. In that sense, one can speak of failure.

Not to speak of the umpteenth crisis between Russia and Ukraine: Vladimir Putin would not have allowed. Not to speak of the war in Yemen: the saudi prince Mohamed Bin Salman has come out well of the summit. The references to the migratory phenomena are literally that, references: “takes note” of the report on migration prepared by several institutions, including the United Nations and the OECD, and it is stated that “the great movements of refugees are a global problem” that requires “joint actions” to address the causes and respond to “the growing humanitarian needs”. Clears to the next session, the reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO). It clears also the new distribution of shares among the shareholders of the International Monetary Fund. Some specific issues, such as the statement that we must improve the education of girls in the poorest countries, do not mask the emptiness of the text.


These meetings are built around a basic text agreed by the negotiators of each country, the so-called sherpas. The negotiators argentine admitted on the eve of the summit, ironically dedicated to “create consensus”, the consensus was a minimum. Any possible improvement was through direct dialogue between the leaders. But it is difficult to achieve something when the president of the greater power does not agree to even participate in the session “face to face”, a time in which, without delegations or concrete agenda, the participants gather in a room provided with seats to engage in dialogue, in common or in groups. Trump avoided the meeting held at the call Saladel Mandala. If it was missing, a clear signal that you are not interested in negotiations at multiple bands, it was that.

Macron wanted to establish itself as the alternative to Trump in regard to global warming and, from there, to other matters. To a certain extent, he succeeded. China is on their side, with a greater or lesser degree of cynicism. Even Turkey is sheathed their reluctance and remained within the Paris Agreement, driven by the former president François Hollande and specified by the Macron in a summit held a year ago in Paris, without the presence of Trump. “Let’s make the world big again,” he proclaimed then Macron through the social networks, parodying the slogan of the electoral Trump: “Let’s make America great again.”

The French president isolated to Trump. His victory, however, was bitter. While closing the summit in Buenos Aires, burning Paris. And the terrible riots were due, in good part, to the implementation of the policies required by the agreements to combat global warming. Macron is perceived by many French people as arrogant, technocratic, and elitist, and the protests in the streets are rooted in that rejection. But the trigger of the riots this Saturday was the hike of diesel prices, which hurts the population in suburban and rural areas. The diesel is a fuel that is highly polluting. On the other hand, it is difficult to explain to the millions of French who need the car to move, away from the urban environment and the collective transport, that it is up to them, the most impoverished of the society, load it with the invoice of the eco-friendly policies.

in Front of the isolation of Trump, the questionable victory of Macron, the wry smile of Vladimir Putin and the relief of the host, argentine president Mauricio Macri, for having achieved unless all sign a joint communique, highlighted the power of China. Xi Jinping was the
partner to whom all looked for. The chinese president is not innocent in the commercial war that pits the united States, because their “State capitalism,” and his self-confidence in the appropriation of technologies external to flaunt the international rules, but know how to play diplomacy, assumes certain commitments and pours investments for the world. The very high number of participants of chinese, including official delegations and journalists, is becoming a feature of international meetings.